"No! Stop it! Please stop! I can't– Is anybody there? Please help me."

The whispers became louder and louder, as if taunting the little boy and soon it was all he could hear. And so he crouched down with his eyes closed tightly and his hands covering his ears.

"Mommy!? Daddy!? Please make them stop."

All the sounds came to a stop then, and only one voice was heard loudly in the midst of all that silence. He stopped to listen to it but as he heard it, he could do nothing more but scream.



Tay was startled awake from his dream. He felt out of breath, like he had just finished running a marathon while his heart pounded wildly in his chest. Maybe it's the exhaustion that's making me feel like this. Just then, his secretary came in with something in her hands and as she slipped in, she instantly noticed the state of his boss's appearance, pale and sweaty face, and hair in disarray. He was still catching his breath as he unfastened his tie when he spotted Trish by the door.

"Everything alright there Sir?" she asked him.

He tried to fix his hair and compose himself before he signaled her to enter the office and ask the reason why she came.

"I just came in to tell you that Mr. Weerayut called to remind you of the event later tonight..... Sir?"

Tay rubbed his temples as he could feel what felt like a migraine coming on. He hummed a yes to her and dismissed her but she couldn't help but be worried of her boss. She knew what a workaholic Tay was, most times even bringing the bulk of his work at home, skipping meals to finish reports and sacrificing even his personal time to meet the demands of his position. It was admirable how dedicated he was but she also felt pity for him because all these years of working under him, with all the achievements he has already gained, she felt like he was still trying to prove something to someone and that all these accomplishment weren't near enough to satisfy him.

True enough, when he checked his messages, there was a text from Arm also reminding him about tonight with the details of when and where it would take place. He started fixing his things but as he did so, he looked up to see that his secretary was still standing in his office with a weird look on her face. "Yes?"

"If I may Sir," Tay nodded for her to continue, "but you don't look so good."

"What are talking about Trish? I always look good" he countered good-naturedly.

"I meant you don't look like you're okay Sir. You know, maybe you can sit this one out and take some rest. I'm sure Mr. Weerayut and your friends won't mind."

Tay had a look on his face and she knew that anything she said would have no effect on him and that he'll still insist on going. Tay had a very strong sense of friendship, having grown-up with his friends all these years and so to him, moments like these are supposed to be celebrated together. He would never miss occasions such as these so nothing will stop him from going, not even if he was struck by lightning.

"I'll be fine Trish. You can have an early afternoon and go home if you want" he offered and with nothing more to add she went on her way and Tay got ready to go home and change.

Finally Found You (TayNew AU)Where stories live. Discover now