Chapter 7

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No one spoke during the whole commute home. Krist was deathly nervous thinking about what his brother would do or say to him when they finally get home as he was playing with his sweaty palms, trying to calm down. He was in his own mind, formulating ways how to best tell New what he did and what happened, and convince him that he didn't mean to cause such trouble for him, especially at New's work place.

They didn't have the best track record growing up, hence his hesitation about the inevitable talk later. Despite the state of their household growing up, Krist really tried to get closer to New but somehow, he felt that his brother found him all but an annoyance because all his efforts were always denied. Instances such as the time Krist invited him to play together outside but his brother chose to stay in their shared room instead, or the times when he'd throw silly tantrums to get his attention but New kept on ignoring him. To him, all those pointed to New hating him. Their relationship somehow got better when they were older but he still felt that New was still holding back on him so he always tried to do things to gain his brother's affection.

When they eventually got home, New immediately sat by one of the chairs in the living room, massaging his sore neck, his eyes closed. With measured steps, Krist carefully took the seat opposite his brother, dreading what's to come. Well, here goes nothing.

"Phi.... I'm–" Krist gulped one more time and inhaled a deep breath. "I'm sorry na Phi. I didn't mean for this to happen. It was just.... Well I received your text to P'Jen apologizing that you were running late for your next job and I–"

"Wait. You what?" New asked confused.

"Yeah look" Krist said as he showed New's text earlier that night. "Anyway, I... I know how much you value your job and I didn't want you to get in trouble for being late or something.... so I thought that maybe I could punch in and work in your stead until you got there, you know as 'you'. I talked to P'Mike and the guys so they lent me your uniform and all that. Everything was going fine but then.... I'm really sorry Phi."

New just looked at his brother and all he saw was remorse written all over his face.

"I just... I just wanted to help you out for once Phi, that's why I went there... That's why I did it. If I knew it'd cause you trouble instead then I wouldn't have gone there." Krist continued with his head hang low.

Moments of silence followed after that and Krist was waiting for the pin to drop, knowing how much of an inconvenience his actions brought on instead of relief, but nothing happened. Instead, he felt a hand ruffle his hair and a deep sigh above him so he looked up to New to see his reaction.

"Have you eaten yet?" was all New asked him with his hand finally landing on Krist's shoulder giving it a soft squeeze. Krist blinked a few times, trying to dispel whatever illusion might be happening. He was sure New would be mad at him for getting him in trouble like that but that was all New said before he went to the kitchen, leaving Krist with his mouth open.

New opened the pot on the stove to check what they were having for dinner when he was surprised to feel someone hug him tightly from behind. He smiled to himself and patted the two arms around him.

"What?" New asked endearingly.

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