chapter thirty-seven

Start from the beginning


"I don't know how to say this plainer. Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do have to work together." Iris leaned against the back of the couch, listening to Sam and Miguel talk to the group. 

"Even if we wanted to team up, it's never work." Chris spoke up from the couch first. "I was in Cobra Kai. Their style mixes with ours like..."

"Oil and vinegar?" Nathaniel looked over to Chris who scrunched his eyebrows at the smaller boy. 

"No, not salad dressing." Iris snorted, pushing herself off the back of the couch. "I would say like the British Bulldogs and the Hart Foundation." Iris looked down to Chris, her brows scrunched together not understanding the boy's reference.

"They were friends, dipshit."

"Not in WrestleMania 3, Penis Breath." Iris rolled her eyes as Chris and Mitch began arguing. 

"Okay, you can't call me Penis Breath. Only they can call me Penis Breath." Mitch moved up on the couch, pointing to Miguel, Bert and Iris as he spoke. 

"Why are you okay with anyone calling you Penis Breath?" 

"I can't." Iris rolled her eyes, moving around the couch and past Miguel and Sam. The girl walked into the kitchen, not caring to be apart of the conversation anymore. Iris' thoughts ran away from her as she pushed herself onto the counter, playing with her hands in her lap. 

Iris' fingers ran over the piano, softly humming to herself as she tried to figure out where to start. She played a few notes, liking the melody she picked up. She played it over a few times before changing her humming to words. 

I still got your number memorized

I feel your body when I close my eyes

Do you still listen to Nirvana?

I still play that record all the time

I'm ready to fall, in love again

I'm ready to call, you up again

I'm ready to talk, and be your friend

I'm ready to fall, in love

Iris stopped playing, taking her fingers from the keys as her phone began to ring. She looked down to see Miguel's name on her screen. 

"Hello?" Iris brought the phone up to her ear, still looking down at her keyboard.

"Come outside." Miguel hug up after he spoke, giving the girl no room to object. She sighed, dropping her phone in her lap before reluctantly getting up. "We're going to a party." 

"We really need to talk about this whole, name thing. Eagle Fang is probably the worst name I've ever heard." Iris was pulled from her thoughts as the small group entered the kitchen. She watched as they all sat around at the table, Demetri standing at the head of the table. 

"You alright?" Iris smiled up to Miguel as he walked in front of the girl. He smiled at her, placing his hand on her knee. 

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