Chapter 5: Training

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"Now let us begin our training!" Meliodas said and snapped his fingers

Suddenly I was in a different area and was next to King as he likes to be called. However, what was different was I was in what seemed like a forest but there were tons of smaller people there with wings flying around. 

"Now the basic requirement for Power-leveling is 3,000 for a Sin, HOWEVER, you already passed that seeing as your power level is 3,012 you seem to have gotten a headstart, therefore, starting with me rather than Escanor. Now Let's begin our TRAINING!" He said flying up

Year One:

During the first year, I learned how to fly without wings. After learning how to hover I learned the basics so that I could take flight and land with ease, King trained me until it became second nature for me to just leap in the air and fly.

Year two:

Now that I had a basic understanding of flying I learned about agility as well as dodging. This year was harsh as I had to learn how to evade Kings Sprit spear Chastiful  5th configuration multiple. I was taught how to endlessly dodge and avoid surprise attacks, It was pretty rough but afterward, I became very instinctive. 

Year three, four, and five:

During these next few years, I learned how to use Chastiful's basic form. I also learned how to switch between each mode in an instant. It was tough training especially since it took me a month to learn just how to lift Chastiful, it was a ruckus. 

Year Six, Seven, and Eight:

During this year King trained my physical ability and hand to hand combat to avoid coming to one of the greatest downfalls of the fairy race, their weakness without flying. Bieng 20% Fairy, 20% demon, and 20% Goddess each making their bones lighter made it possible for me to fly so now having their power my power level regressed a bit from 3,012 down to 2,321 so I had a lot to catch up on, however, by the end of the 3 years I was up to a power level of 3,196.

During my last year, I said bye to King as well as took Chastiful before being teleported to a small tavern where I was met with Escanor. 

Location change: Tavern

Once I was teleported I was met with Escanor in his small for doing some dishes. 

"Welcome Izuku I hope you trained hard with King because now you will take the Grace of sunshine and make it your own. First, let me introduce my Sacred treasure the one-handed ax: Rita, you need a Power-level of 30,000 just to lift it and a power level of 35,000+ to use it with ease, thanks to the Sunshine grace however just after Dusk/Dawn you should reach 35,000 and by 11:00 reach a power level of 150,000, and at noon you will become invincible for that one minute. Now that I have explained prepare. for. hell." He said and took us outside

Year one and two:

Calling his training hell is an understatement. He made All Mights beach cleaning look like it was easier than taking a breath. by the end of the second year he raised my base form without Sunshine to 12,000.

Year three, four, and five:

I can now start using sunshine but thanks to the stupid intense training during the first two years my sunshine at dawn/dusk is 30,687 and by the time the sun is fully out my power level is 42,000. After year three and about 3 months into year four, I had a good understanding of how to use the max power of Sunshine the downside though was currently I could do zero or max. 

During the last year and 9 months, he trained me on letting out a small amount of sunshine until I could control my power-level and set it up to the max. My current Power level at 11:00 Am or 1 pm at max power is 180,000, and my base form is 16,527. 

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