Chapter 4: Prison Life

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On my flight I was broken, everything good that happened just kept coming back only to be then immediately followed with Nezu arresting me even though I was framed. My brain is working on overdrive and I-I can't my head is tearing itself to pieces, I still have 30 minutes till I get to Tartarus and I'm having a mental breakdown.

What did I do? What did I do to fucking deserve this? I tried so fucking hard to be a hero, I saved Iida from Stain, Uraraka from the zero pointers, Tsu and Mineta from the USJ, Eri from Overhaul, Kacchan from AFO, and just UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH can I get one time just once where I am not second-guessed, when I'm not harassed because of who I am when I'm just allowed to have ONE GOOD GODDAMN DAY.

When I pulled up to prison I looked like a walking corpse. My eyes had lost all color, my face was in neutral, and my arms and legs were limp. The only thing keeping me from considering suicide was Nejire who believed in me. 

"Isn't he a little young?" One of the guards asked

"He may look young but he gave the files on all the heroes and hero's in training to the LOV," Nezu said to them

"Ya and I'm Tony Stark Nezu you are one blind MotherFucker if you really believe that was me but hey when I am proven innocent I wonder if I could challenge you for smartest being on this planet considering even I can see that was staged, but hey you do you," I retort

"Shut up Villan," All Might says and takes me inside

Aizawa please prove me Innocent. 

Meanwhile: (Aizawa POV)

"Ok so I made a list of everyone who believes in Mid- Izuku, those being Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Togata, Hado, Amakiji, Me, and Nemuri," I said

Really that's it after all of his heroic actions only 8 people believe in his innocence. Talk about stupid. 

"Hey, Shouta what's up?" Nemuri asked

"Nothing much I figured out that only 8 people believe in Izuku including me and you, now It's time I find some evidence," I replied

"Alright let me help, he was the only student who didn't have an ounce of Lust toward me during the sports festival and was always well mannered so I want to help," Nem explained

"Fine, the sooner the better. Well let's get to work," I said and headed to his dorm

(Izuku's POV)

"Huh it really isn't that bad" I mumbled

After a few more seconds of walking the guard said, "meet the other prisoners, Stain, All For One, and Overhaul."

"HEY WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT 2/3 I took down and sent them here! Well, how's prison Stain and Overhaul I hope beating you and sending you here helped you change!" I said fake excited


"Good to see you haven't changed stain," I said

"Well, well, well seeing you here must be the best gift ever I can finally get my revenge for Interfering with my plan and taking Eri away from my lab!" Overhaul yelled

"Awwwwww you missed me that much Kai," I said sarcastically

The guard looked confused and said, "Do you know these 3?"

"Well naturally I was the reason Overhaul, and Stain was put in here and All For One is my Biological father," I said

"YOU PUT THESE 2 IN HERE! You're the kid they both talk about how he stopped them both with an amazing display of power?! then what are you doing in prison?" He asked

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