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Hi Johnny,

How's your day?

I bet its good

You're really athletic

That's why I fell in love at you ;)

If you are wondering who am I

Well, It's a secret

Maybe you know me

Maybe not

Its for you to find out ;)

Today, I see you having fun with your friends

You look seems happy

But, I can make you happy more ;)

If I reveal myself now,

I bet you will hate me

But, I don't think you can't hate me

No one can resist my charms ;)

I was wondering,

How the fuck did I fell for you

You're so fucking adorable

Oh, sorry for the language

I just can't stop looking at you

I'm such a creep haha

Well, that's it

See you babe ;)

- From Secret 💙


new johnten ff cuz why not? ;)

from secret ✓ | s.jn x tn.lDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora