Your robot husband

Start from the beginning

The hour long work of re-examining the functioning of every robot, keeping them silver cased and transporting them back to the main headquarters was extremely exhausting and tiring.

All that while, Mr. Kim didn't even utter a single word to you. Just like he was, mechanically he did all the tasks without even sparing a look at you. You were annoyed. At first he took you out of your own success party and now, he was being silent the entire time.

You huffed out and decided to let it slide. Either way, he never speaks much to anyone if it isn't about work. You both were in the laboratory, done with the work and ready to leave when suddenly you saw something unexpected and undesired at the moment.

"Y/n-ieeee, my baby!!!", your mother squealed as she got out of the car and made her way towards you with your dad. "Oh god, honey, how are you?", your mother showered your face with kisses while you stood embarassed, next to Mr. Kim.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be in Tokyo! Why are you here in Seoul?", you bombarded them with questions as your eyes were widened.

"Oh honey! After so much of trying to convince you, you finally settled down and married and you did it without our presence? Very bad, baby! Your appa and I were almost shocked when you said that you married the love of your life. You should've told us earlier, we wouldn't pester you so much and send you pictures of eligible suitors for you.", she said.

"Anyways, we came here as soon as you informed us about your marriage. As your parents, we want to meet the lucky guy too. You did it wrong that you married without our consent, but.... ", she sighed, "Yeah, you're old enough to take your decisions and let me not get started on how wise you are, my dear daughter. I'm sure, you would've chosen the right person for yourself.", your mother cooed.

This was the reason why you were shocked. You've been in Korea for the past 7 years for work and you were already 27 now. Your parents were in Japan but owing to their busy schedules, they never came to meet you.

However, your mother wanted you to get married and get settled down but marriage was the last thing you wanted. You wanted to let your career build rather than just being a wife looking after husband and kids. That's why when your mom kept on pestering you by sending pictures of many men, you frustratedly lied that you were married.

And now, your plan backfired on you. What were you supposed to tell her now? That you lied to her? That you're still unmarried? You were frozen in your spot as your mother kept on asking about your non-existent husband.

Her eyes trailed towards Taehyung who was standing next to you. "Is this young beautiful man your husband, dear? Of course he is. Isn't he? Who would you be with at night time all alone? Oh Lord! What a handsome and fine young man he is. He's your husband right?", your overly excited mom said as she looked at Taehyung and your eyes widened.

Taehyung? Your husband? Your mind stopped functioning but then, suddenly, your neurons started running and you got the weirdest idea of the century.

"Yes omma! He is! Now come on, I'll take you home, we'll meet him tomorrow.", you blabbered oit whatever was coming in your mind without even thinking for consequences.

All this while, the coldy had the same poker face. As if he was unaffected by everything going on. "Hello? Mister? I just called you my husband and you're so calm? Good for me. Stay calm.", you thought.

"Aww, why tomorrow? He's your husband, doesn't he lives with you? Of course he should. If he doesn't, then what kind of marriage is it? I'm not going to hear to any more irrational things. My son-in-law is coming with me. End of the discussion.", she declared.

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