Part 12

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Derek's POV
I woke up with a splitting head ache I cursed myself for drinking that much. I walked over to Joe's which was closer to the hotel I had stayed at than I realized I picked up my car and head to the trailer. I got to the trailer and Izzie was angrily on my porch with Doc. I had forgot to pick him up from Mer's, she was watching him while I figured out things at the trailer after the whole cheating thing.
"Where have you been you said I could drop him off at ten and that you would be here, wells its eleven" she huffed handing me doc. I thanked her for watching him and brought him inside. He was my connection to Meredith. He was our shared dog and it brought me comfort to have him around. I decided I needed some fresh air so I got changed and took doc out to the trail.

Meredith's POV
The woods are thinning. At first I could have swore I imagined it then I stumbled on a trail. A trail! But this trail seemed familiar. It's couldn't be. I was on Derek's land this was the trail we walked Doc on. Thinking and Derek and out time together with Doc brought a temporary euphoria over me. I stood still on the trail enjoying the excitement I got I would soon be safe. Then I heard a bark I jumped back into my reality. Then I realized it was Doc barking.
"Doc?!" I exclaimed shocked. I must be going crazy I'm seeing my dog.
Then I heard him. I heard his voice.

Derek's POV
"Doc?" I yelled after him as he ran off. I took off in the same direction when I found him I was so focused in my own world I didn't even realize he was standing with someone. As I was petting doc I seen the shoes next to Doc. I noticed someone had been standing there I quickly looked up and couldn't believe was I was seeing a beat, but beautiful as ever Meredith. Was I going crazy?
"Meredith?" I stood up straight and brought her trembling form into my embrace.
She hugged me tightly and I never wanted to let go. I knew I had to though she needed immediate medical attention.
"Mer we have to go to the hospital come on" I said grabbing her hand I wasn't sure if she could walk. I mean I assumed she could because how would she have go to the trail.

No ones POV
They begin slowly walking back to the trailer it's about a mile away so Derek is wary knowing he will likely have to probably pick her up soon, but wanting to respect her space and let her walk a bit. They were so caught up in their own world that they didn't realize the giant brown bear. The momma bear was walking further behind when her cub became curious and walked up closer to the strange creatures walking down the path.

Giant brown bear cubs mom's POV
She noticed her cub was walking close to a creature she didn't know so she immediately jumped into action protecting her cub. She walked up to the creatures and stood growling at them. They flailed their arms making her feel even more scared for her cub so she took a hit. Knocking down the creatures. She trashed at them multiple times till she felt they were no longer a threat and quickly fled with her cub.

Derek's POV
We just got attacked by a bear. I'm bleeding bad. I'm getting dizzy. My visions blurring. I look over at Meredith. She's looking at me her eyes are searching mine frantically.

Meredith's POV
We just got attacked by a bear. I wasn't clawed up to bad I just got swatted around. I look over at Derek he's bleeding bad. I need to get up and help. Then I realize I can't. I'm in excruciating pain something in my back. I can't move. I look over at Derek he's fading.
"Derek look at me! You have to stay awake" I tell him frantically.
"I can't stay awake" He says in a whisper.
"You have to, please Derek stay awake. Run it down for me what's wrong" I say the doctor part of me trying to will my body to move so I can help him.
"Mer-Meredith..conserve...conserve your energy.... I-I am going to blee-bleed out...stop fighting for me it's ok..conserve your energy and don't watch me..I love you Mer-" he took a ragged breath and closed his eyes.
"Derek?Derek!! Derek wake up" I tried to move again, but couldn't it was no use I looked over at Derek I felt useless he bled out beside me and could do anything to help him. It then hits me the fatigue biting at my ankles the blackness trying to engulf me. I stop fighting it.
"I love you too Derek" I let the darkness envelope me I let myself leave my body.

Docs POV
"Mom??Dad??" I bark furiously at my parents neither moves. I lay next to them defeated.
Well that's just fucked up 🖕

When I'm Alone With YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora