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"Go on run like a headless chickens run for your life and save yourselves." Mismagius said as he was enjoying attacking them and laughs in a sassy way

"That's it entertain me more and more feed me with you negativity, despairs, more pain and suffering feed me more." Mismagius said as make maniac expression 

"(Evil Laugh - Choke choke choke) my bad timing..."Mismagius as his evil laugh was ruin he then creates a lots of 'Shadow Balls' and 'Energy Balls'

"Yeah............!!! I hope you're somewhere praying, 'praying'... I hope your soul is changing, 'changing'... I hope you find your peace... Falling on your knees, 'praying'..." Mismagius said in a way of singing then he smiles

"Gotta catch them all..." Mismagius said and fire an attack to his enemy

"You've got to be kidding...!" Every heroes officer and civilian said in sync then starting to run away and screaming from Mismagius attacks.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

U.A. Pov.

As the heroes are busy on fighting Mismagius meanwhile in U.A. on were Shinso as Gengar who starting to get tired on using his Dynamax, with the help of some are evenly using some healing and supporot skill like 'Full Restore', 'Helping Hands', 'Recover', 'Sing' and lots of healing and support skill on him.

"How's everything there Gengar?" Nighteye asked

"So far everything everything seems okay Nighteye." Gengar response

"You sure did make everything a better shape and who knew you could be a teacher or trainer, and let me guess does Mismagius almost torture you on training does it." Nighteye said

"It does all of his training on me is worth a shot." Gengar said and then made a serious look

"What's with the serious look Gengar?" Nighteye asked

"Well truth to be told Mismagius didn't taught me everything..." Gengar said and make everyone surprise

"What do you mean?" Nighteye asked

"Didn't Mismagius say that you can get a multiple quirk through the process of 'Willpower, Knowledge and Emotion' but there is one thing he never taught on me." Gengar said

"What was that?" Mrs Iida asked

"Essence and he also says it's a bit different of the three." Gengar said

"How different?" Ibarra asked

Gengar then four different ball with different skill a 'Shadow Ball', 'Will-o-Wisp', 'Energy Ball' and 'Focus Blast'.

"To gave you all a simple explanation it's kind a like this." Gengar said as he move the three balls and goes circling around.

"Imagine that these three are the Physical, Knowledge and Emotion... These create a circle of unity and a cycle on how the quirk works." Gengar said as he move the 3 orbs moving circling around and around to each other very fast creating a glowing ring.

"And what is Essence it's the center of this three." Gengar said as he place the 'Will-o-Wisp' to the center of the ring "In other word the heart of the quirk." Gengar continues

"It's still confusing..." Nighteye asked

"Please let me finish my explanation." Gengar said "According to Mismagius Essence is what the quirk is made up and Essence is the one who balance the quirks function light or dark." Gengar said as he then stops the glowing ring move.

"If the quirk is awaken through 'Physical' then your quirk can be related on enhancement, if it 'Knowledge' it's all about it's function and if it's 'Emotion' means control your emotion. But Essence is a mere difficulty it's how the quirk is made up from peoples desires and passions from both light and dark." Gengar said his statement

"To give you an example, if you had a 'Fiery Quirk' the light side is about giving warmth to every people and on the dark side it will bring a flame of destruction that will burn everything from it touch." Gengar said making some still confuse and some shivering in fear.

"Uhm Elaborate please?" Nighteye asked

"Like I said it's made up of peoples desire and passion in other words the reason on why you have a quirk for example 'An Intention to Kill' then you will be given a quirk that is meant for killing that is also based on the name of your element." Gengar said his elaboration and making everyone totally shocked on what Gengar just says.

"And if your talking about in Mismagius's case it's seems the dark side of his quirk was made up 'For Revenge', and I don't know what was the light side of his quirk was made but I can tell his mental state is contradicting." Gengar said

"What do you mean?" Night asked

"Remember he's a drama king, he may acted so sassy and doesn't care and I can tell there is still a good side of him cause if he was evil he could have done a long time ago. More importantly he did say he has been a mastery of the Essence..." Gengar said

"How?" Mr. Iida asked

"He says he made a source of power for each element of him made up of essence of himself that has taken a different form like the source of the mist that we destroyed a weeks ago." Gengar said

"Wait what?" Nighteye said

"A source of power for him he created some kind of an object that not only made him enhance his power but also a weapon he use for his daily battle, also he always carrying it around." Gengar said

"But Gengar when he always appear we never saw him carrying a weapon." Ibarra said

"He's a wizard right he hide his object in plain sight unless if it's not look like a weapon, in others it could be." Gengar said

"An accessories or jewelries." Ibarra response

"I have to report this to the heroes immediately thanks from the info Gengar..." Nighteye said as he immediately go to the control room and made a call.

Then Gengar walk towards from the Dynamax and then says.

"Please hurry up Tenya remember who you are and remember Izuku Midoriya  remember." Gengar said in a worried tone as he was almost tired already.

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