Quincy, Prince D, and Cooper:(Only love)

Poppywand Branch were tipping over old equipment to see if they could find the ukelele.

All the tribe leaders saw them doing this and gathered around them.

"What in tarnation is going on here?" Delta asked Poppy.

"I'm trying to find my ukelele," Poppy said. "It's for an important matter."

"Hey look at what's happenin on stage you guys," Trollex floated to the edge of the stage.

Everyone followed. Poppy immediately ran over and tried to back them away.

"Hey, maybe we should back up the crowd a bit?"😅 Poppy said with a nervous smile. "We don't want to harm anyone with claustrophobia am I right? Hehehe."

Everyone's jaw dropped.

Poppy blinked.
"What...did I say something wrong?"

The rest of the snack pack came over with their jaws dropped as well.

"I'm sorry, did I offend anyone with the claustrophobia thing?" Poppy said confusingly.

The snack pack pointed over her.

"Look I can't apologize if I don't know exactly what I did wrong to upset you guys," she said. "Just tell me and I will surely never make that mistake again."

"Umm, Poppy?" Branch said. "Look behind you."

Poppy looked behind and saw that the funk family's hearts were glowing.

"No!" Poppy cried out.

She tried to go on stage to stop them but Branch held her back.

"Poppy, it's over," he said.

Poppy looked back at him with a frown.

"What does he mean it's over?" Barb asked.

~On the stage...~

Essence: oooooooooo...Only love

Quincy, Prince D, and Cooper:(Only love)

Essence: It will build you up
Break you down
Only love

Quincy, Prince D, and Cooper:(Only love)

Essence: I will sacrifice
For your heart I'll fight
All for love

Quincy, Prince D, and Cooper:(Only love)

Soon enough, their rainbow energy came out and it spiralled around them. They then had rainbow style hair and rainbow clothes.

The crowd gasped in shock.

Peppy especially wasn't happy. He started panicking and curled up into a ball formation and sucked his thumb.

"The strings are back?" A troll from the crowd said.

"What will happen to us?" Another said.

Poppy ran on stage and grabbed the microphone.

"Absolutely nothing will happen," Poppy said.

The Troll Kingdoms (Remake)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora