"Is he sleeping?" asked Anna quietly. The boys nodded. "Could you excuse us? I need to talk to him privately."

"Sure Anna," said Dean with a kind smile, patting her on the shoulder as he walked by. Seamus just gave her a nod.

Neville, though, went up to her. "Hey, Anna, I heard you were there that night. How are you?"

"Just managing," she chuckled weakly, "I just need to help Harry is all."

The boy engulfed her an a tight, warm embrace. Anna was surprised but she quickly fell into it. "Anna, just make sure you take care of yourself. If you need anything I'm here for you."

Tears pricked at Anna's eyes. She pursed her lips and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Thank you Neville. You are one of the kindest people I know."

He just gave her another pat on the back and caring gaze before turning to leave, softly closing the door behind him.

Anna slowly walked over to Harry's bed. Her grey eyes first fell upon his face. It was red and splotchy and swollen. He had to have been crying endlessly, she assumed. The lack of glasses upon his face made this even more obvious. She looked to his body, half covered by the blanket. He was still wearing the still clothes since that day. His worn-out grey hoodie, red t-shirt, and old blue jeans. 

She felt a pang in her chest...she was reliving the same scene that happened at the end of the previous year. She was even wearing the same hoodie as she sat for days in front of the fireplace.

Only now, the roles were reversed.

She remembered how broken she was when her father died. She had no concept of time, she cared about nothing other than getting him back. His voice echoed in her head and while it was haunting, she held onto whatever she could to relive him.

Now she was the one trying to save Harry from the same deep depression.

Anna put her hand on his shoulder, slowly shaking him. "Hey, Harry."

The boy groaned and rubbed his green eyes. He looked at her and his expression immediately became pinched. He turned over, murmuring, "Go away."


"Get out."

"No," she said firmly. "I-I know you're upset. I get it, what happened was awful-"

Harry sat up quickly, his glassy eyes connecting with hers. His voice held venom as he began to speak. "You know what makes it so awful? The fact that it didn't have to happen. You could have stopped this, but no, you wanted to keep your idiot cousin safe-"

"He's not an idiot!" exclaimed Anna. "He had no choice, yet he still didn't follow through-"

"But Snape did! Snape killed him, because you were too much of a coward to say anything!"

Anna scoffed. "I'm a coward? You heard Dumbledore, I told him!"

"You don't deserve to say his name!" yelled Harry, jabbing a finger at her. "You're the reason he's dead!"

The girl just closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Anger tapped at her but she pushed it away and composed herself. She knew Harry needed to get this out. "Harry, I get it, you blame me for this and I deserve it to an extent. I told Dumbledore that Draco was out to get him and he told me to not worry. He said that whatever happens, happens. I couldn't even change his mind about trusting Snape."

Harry just looked at her with disgust and confusion. He wanted to badly to get a reaction out of her. He was angry and mourning...why was she not?

But upon looking closer, she noticed her grey eyes were glassy as well, her cheeks lightly splotched with pink from past tears shed. Her voice was a bit tight as well. His heart couldn't help but feel a tinge of hurt.

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived (Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now