"Night turned nightmare" (Ch'3)

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Tommy's Perspective

"Hey, Tubbo?" I let out, now alone in the room with Tubbo. Tubbo looked over to me and I could see his head tilt.

"Yeah?" He let out, blinking at me. "I think we could take on the fuckin bastard Phil wants Wilbur to get." I said confidently.

"I dunno, Tommy, he sounds pretty tough if a whole army couldn't get him.." Tubbo trailed off, I rolled my eyes at the statement.

"The people in the army were probably just fucking pussies! C'mon, we're the best out of anyone here! Phil is just too scared to admit it." I grumbled, sitting back.

"Maybe, but we would need to get the info Fundy got if we really wanna try." Tubbo let out, standing as I did.

"Just follow my lead!" I smirked, seeing Tubbo nod as I started walking to the research room.

Once there, I did the only reasonable thing to do and banged on the fucking door, loud.

"Oi foxboy! Phil wanted you!" I yelled through the door, continuing to bang on it until he opened.

"Okay okay I heard you, jesus" Fundy muttered as he walked out. As soon as he was out of sight I sprinted into the room, looking through the papers with Tubbo.

"Found it!" Tubbo said, holding up one of the papers. "Fuck yeah! Let's get the fuck out of here." I grabbed Tubbo's arm and we ran out, running outside.

When we were outside, I could hear Tubbo let out a sigh of relief as he looked through the paper.

"There isn't much to go off here, Tommy.." Tubbo trailed off, biting his lip. I rolled my eyes, brushing it off. "We can still do it, we'll be fine!" I waved off any protests he had before hearing him sigh.

"Whatever you say.." I heard him mutter as we started to walk down the village pathway. "But how are we gonna even find him? Who knows where he is, he travels all over!" Tubbo let out as he followed me.

"We just look around and find shit, Tub, c'mon! Don't worry so fuckin much." I rolled my eyes. Tubbo just sighed out again and shook his head.

"This isn't smart, not at all, Tommy." Tubbo muttered. "Everything I do is smart!" I spoke confidently, the two of us continuing to walk.

A few hours later..

Third Person Perspective

Wilbur and Fundy were currently walking down the village path, it currently being about twenty or so minutes before sundown.

The two had decided to ask around town for more information, but they got little to none, needless to say, both were tired.

"No one in town seems to know much.." Wilbur sighed out. Fundy nodding with him, his fox ears slightly flattened.

"It's to be expected." Fundy sighed with him, looking at the sky.

"I told Phil Techno would be better suited for this, Techno would have done something by now! He would have the right connections, know where to go, everything!" Wilbur let out, looking down.

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