Bad Day to Stay Home

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*This takes place after Endgame but Tony, Gamora, and Nat are alive, and the Avengers are together and everything*

Peter POV:
So today I kind of maybe didn't mean to but meant to skip school. And maybe it wasn't the greatest idea I've ever had. Yeah. But I wasn't even allowed on the field trip they were having so might as well do something where I might actually learn. So lemme rewind.

I came in late and aching because I got a bullet in my side while patrolling yesterday. Apparently there was some field trip thing that was going on, but I didn't really care to figure out where it was or when it was because I was tired.

"Mr. Parker can you come up here please!" my teacher said to me as I was writing notes sloppily.

"Yes," I replied.

"Mr. Parker I'm afraid that you have been missing too many school days, you won't be able to attend our field trip on Friday. I know it may be disappointing because it's at St-"

"Yeah, alright Mr. Johnson sir," I said while yawning, not even letting him finish his sentence.
*Flashback over*

I rolled out of bed, and my feet instantly hit the cold and marbly floor. I looked around my room, pictures of me and all the rest of the Avengers hung on my wall. A big, flat screen TV was plastered on the wall, across from my bed, which had blue and red sheets. I walked over to my closet, aching the slightest because my spider senses decided to tune down last night. I got two stab wounds, but they were closing up quickly, given my enhanced healing. I put on some grey sweatpants, and a fluffy zip up jacket that I didn't zip up. Let's just say that my wounds don't do well when they aren't given the space to breathe.

I had a pretty gen-z style room because Mr. Stark didn't mind how I decorated my room, and he kind of payed for everything, which was awkward at first. May had her room on a lower floor of the Avengers compound, because she wasn't an Avenger. She actually got used to living in the compound, and I'm pretty sure she was starting to like it. I opened my door and asked FRIDAY to take me to one level up, to the penthouse.

"Morning Mr. Stark," I said with a smile.

"Hey kiddo. Wait- don't you have school. Your aunt will kill me if u don't- and you already know that-"

"There was supposed to be a field trip for my class today but I couldn't go, so I just stayed home since I don't learn anything at school anyway," I cut him off.

"Well, I can never argue with you kid," Mr. Stark said as he walked past me, grabbed his coffee and ruffled my hair before exiting the room mumbling something about a tour guide being late. Oh well, that's Mr. Stark for you. My spider senses started tingling as I heard footsteps coming this way. Mr. Stark popped back in once more to tell me something.

"So kid we can work on upgrading your suit later if you want because Pepper's at Morgan's school today, for some career day thing. I was going to go but Pepper told me apparently I would embarrass her so I'm here, anyways we can go to your lab later."

"I mean Pepper isn't wrong Mr. Stark," I said while letting out a laugh.

"Oh you little shit. But anyways see ya later,"

"Bye Mr. Stark!"

"It's TONY!"

"Sorry Mr. Tony!" We shouted back and forth from the hallway to the penthouse.

I went to my lab when I noticed there was someone there, whispering to another two people.

"Umm- hi? This is kinda my lab and I don't- HOLY SHIT! You guys are the guardians of the galaxy! I haven't seen you guys in so longgg,"

"Hey Peter the second," Quill said.

"Hello Peter!" Gamora said happily.

"Heya. You're that spider dude kid," Rocket commented.

"Yep that's me!"

"Well we came here because Shuri said she dropped off some vibranium for our ship," Gamora said skeptically.

"Oh yeah I think it's in Mr. Stark's lab, we can go there now,"

"Okay then take us to the vibranium Peter the second,"

"Alright!" I said cheerfully.

We were walking down the hallway when we saw a group of people in Mr. Stark's lab. I walked forward to ask them to leave. That's when shit went down.

"Um excuse me but I don't think you guys are aloud in here," I said.

Then they turned around. I froze in my spot.

"Hey Peter the second did you get the vibranium?" Quill asked me.

"Uh- um, it's, uh well-"

"PARKER! I specifically told you that you weren't aloud on the field trip! Someone please escort him ou-"

"I'M SORRY WHAT?" Rocket yelled at my class.

"Holy shit,"

"That's a raccoon,"

"He talks?"

"How the hell does Puny Parker know THE guardians of the galaxy?!"

"Let me escort him out please,"


Of course it decided to go worse. Mr. Stark walked right through the doors of the lab, right beside me, and started talking.

"Right so hey kid. I think that your suit would look really good if-"

"HOLY FUCK PETER IS TALKING TO TONY STARK!" Flash boomed from across the room.

I mentally facepalmed.

"Um Mr. Stark-"

"What does it take for you to call me Tony kiddo?"

"Uh- um I nothing really," I said sheepishly.

"Well, Tony, the spider kid," SHIT. "said that the vibranium Shuri brought would be in your lab." Rocket said.

"You know what I'm done with this," I said as soon as Clint decided to drop down from the vents. And I jumped up to the ceiling in surprise.


"Uh- um, Peter- I, what?"

"Dude me and MJ tried to warn you but I guess your phone was off,"

"PETER IS SPIDER-MAN!" someone from the crown yelled.

"Uh, s-surprise?" I said as blush rose up my cheeks.

And that's a chapter! Hope that you liked this it was mainly a comic relief and I knowww I've been gone for a bit, but hope this makes up for it :)))

-Author :)

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