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A few years later

A sigh feels the air as male carried a screaming teen . Throwing a huge tantrum for no reason screaming and crying in his arms . The man only sighed lowly.  As his holded the girl over his shoulder by a hand and used his other to brush through his braids .

{New look💞}

As people gave werid stares to the duo as some thought the girl was I danger

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As people gave werid stares to the duo as some thought the girl was I danger . Other thought the kid had some bad candies . As the girl was quite beautiful and women like  . "Put me down you beast !!!' She screamed at the male .The male scoffed as he dropped her to the ground . A loud thump could be heard which made people stopped and turned to the scene. As the female mange to raise to her knee's tears fall down her face as she looked up at the Male.  Suprised and oddly slightly hurt as not from the pain thou no not at all .

As she wiped her tears away she got a very clear view of the male looming over her in his very clean red suit and fancy chain

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As she wiped her tears away she got a very clear view of the male looming over her in his very clean red suit and fancy chain . And his piercing eyes ooh those eyes where so blank . She could only stare at the Male who was her butler . "Is'nt the Miss.Rose of Rose manor  ?' 'Yes I believe so !"'What is she doing sitting there ?"'She wasn't that dark peasant boy push her' she shook her head violently as she watch as her butler start walking of slowly . "Shut he is no peasant he's my friend I hope you all rot in hell!" The young lady screamed as she chased after her butler and friend . As she made turn's to which she guessed is which why's he went . Turning around each corner moving throw crowd's of people . Stopping taking a breath as tears feel down her face . As she start panicking a figure bumped her pushing . As her eyes shifted up she saw a tall figure that seem to be her butler . Rushing towards the alleyway looking for the figure just to meet a gun pointing to her head ."Bye bye little bitch."The gun shot of a she waiting to be killed but oddly the time never came as her figure was covered by her butler . As he was hugging her figure close as the shoot missed her and hitted him instead . Her eye's widened as she hugged the figure back . "Tch a waste of a bullet Ooh well Haha at least I'm back faced to face with you remember.... Me Hahaha p...promise " The man's hands clutched as he turned his body around . "You remember don't ya mate HAHHHAHAAHAHA! YOU LOVED ME CARED FOR ME HUGGED ME AND ONE DAY POOF HAHAHAH YOUR GONE FROM THE WORLD... !I SEARCHED FOR YOU AND SEARCHED FOR YOU JUST TO FIND YOU WITH A HOE!!!!" The Male screeched as he swing the gun back in forth . "I only did it out of pity for you then . But once I thought you were old enough with enough knowledge yes I left ." He said back to the Male in his usually emotionless tone . The Male clicked his tounge as he looked at clock.  "Well senpai shall we make up for lost time"

  "Well senpai shall we make up for lost time"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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