The truth🔥

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"I think I'm in love with you Riv" i said so fast that I lost my breath "what...Jess I can't believe I'm the one saying this to you now but your high and drunk you don't know what your saying" he said "no really ask sky I'm so in love with you that when I'm around you I feel so happy and I never want to leave your side and... wait why are you giving me that look" i said asking him confused
"Jess I'm with.."
"Beatrix yeah it's okay I get it...I better go bye riven"
"Jess don't be like tha-" but before he could finish I ran out the door.. running seems to be my new thing this year but not Running like the sport... it's me running away from things that I should just accept but no stupid me feels the need to want everything everyone to herself.
It was 10am and I was still drunk and high but not because of this morning.. it's because before running away from riven I took his weed and smoked it all in the space of an hour and drank a whole bottle of vodka to myself, I guess your wondering Jessica why are you doing that. I'm doing it because I don't wanna feel anymore sadness,pain,anything anymore because throughout my whole life being able to feel everyone's emotions but also feeling mine is so stressful.
From the hill i could see sky and riven training,sky looked at me and then turned to riven and said something to him. About 5 minutes later riven walked up to me..
"Hi Jess- wow have you been drinking again" he said while getting a strong smell of vodka coming off of me " yeah what do you care" i said taking a draw of my joint again but before i inhaled riven grabbed it from my hand and put it out beside him
"why would you do that" I said
"Why the fuck are you still drinking.. is this because what happened this morning because if it is-"
"Riv just drop it I don't want to hear it,your in love with Beatrix I don't know why but you and sky always go for bitches"
"Wow Jess who was the one who called her wetabix in the room and told her to shut the fuck up" he said getting angry he wasn't showing he was angry but I could feel he was , I just laughed .
"Really what is there to laugh about" he asked seriously
"Wetabix" i chuckled
"You know what I came over here to try and get the trio back together but you come and talk to me when you aren't a mess" he said as he stormed away
And that's when the tears came " Riv wait... I'm sorry I really am I don't know what has come over me, it's just you and sky have been spending so much time with Stella and Beatrix that I haven't seen you guys and we have had so many arguments more than we have ever had, and then Silva got attacked,my aunt doesn't want to talk to me and I guess I just wanted to you know... feel free for a bit and I'm really-"
Riv came and hugged me while I cried into his chest "look Jess I know things are hard but your our best friend you can come ask us to hang out or talk to us anytime im serious even if I'm with bea I'll leave her if you really need me... just text me" he said while rubbing my back "Thanks Riv" I said hugging him back.
After the talk with Riv I felt a bit better but I had class again and I was not excited for this. I walk in to the class room and sat between bloom and Aisha, it was my turn to try out my magic when I had to light one piece of fire wood then put it out with a drop of water I did it but when aunt farah tried to teach me how to focus on one emotion in one direction everything went black.
I woke up in the green house with sky looking down at me
"what happend" i asked
"I don't know bloom said You just passed out"
" for how long"
"You where only out for about an hour don't worry"
"Where's riven"
"Oh he's with Beatrix"
" obviously" I said sarcastically
But right on cue Riven walks in
"Jess are you okay"
"Yeah I think so"
Sorry for the short chapter x
Hope your enjoying so far 🔥

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