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In the middle of lunch I went to see aunt farah because she has been distinct and I want to know why. As i walk into her office I say "aunt farah can you tell me-" but stopped my self when I saw the ginger I saw riven with standing over him in my aunts chair. He turned around and went to run after me but I was all ready out the door and running towards the lake that the specialist train. I don't know why I ran I just I get this feeling when I'm with riven like I'm in love with him and I know that sounds cliche falling in love with your best friend but
It's true I think I'm in love with him and seeing her over him just makes me want to rip her head off. I sat on the same hill I sat when I had ran away from my first magic lesson when someone sat beside me. It was sky.
"Hi" he said
"Hey" i smiled
"Not really heard from you in a while you okay?" He asked
"Yeah just.... I think I need to tell you something" I said fast
"You can tell me anything Jess" he said calmly
"I think I may kinda very much be in love with riven and I didn't want to tell you incase you hate me and I ruin our friendship and-" I stopped as I lost my breath
"Breathe Jess, Okay I didn't expect that but why would I be mad at you, you should tell him" he says
"Nope I can't I just saw another girl all over him and him enjoying it so I'm not going to ruin that for him" i said sadly "I'm sorry Jess I'll talk to him" he said before walking away.
Today had been a long day so I met up with sky again and we went to his room to study as we entered I saw Riv on his bed with the ginger girl that was on top of him earlier sitting on the floor.
"Hello" sky says
"Shit sorry here" she says handing him a vape
"No thank you" he said
"Day time not smart Riv" sky says
"If Silva catches her up here"I say
"Beatrix not her Beatrix" she said rudely
"Well Weatabix or what ever the fuck your name is like I care you better get out before Silva catches you" I said
"Silva left and I snooped to make sure, something about meeting up with a military detachment from solaria... ask your girlfriend" Riven says
"Your dating the princess.. Shit is it weird having sex with someone who looks exactly like you or is that kind of the point" Beatrix says
"Shut the fuck up no one asked you to speak and also that's mine not yours" I say while grabbing the vape from her hand
"Calm down Jess" Riven says
"No you fuck off too Riven" I say to him
"If the solarians are coming" sky started
"then the rumours must be true they have captured a burned one.. the solarians prison is no joke I guess they are going to transfer it, you see the up shot is we have no where to be" riven say while kissing Beatrixs neck I start to feel sick so I run out of the room.
Once again I found myself sitting on the hill that always makes me feel alitte better. Bull shit nothing can make me feel better I always feel like shit now since I've came here.
Also of time must have went past because it was now getting dark from my side I saw Bloom and Terra holding a man helping him into the school that's when I realised it was.. Silva omg no, Silva has always been like a dad to be just like he is to sky.
"Silva omg what happend to him... ahhhh" i said as i start to feel his pain "look at me Jess he's scared and hurting I'm not focus on me" Terra says "he was attacked by a burned one" bloom says carrying him into the school "I'll go get sky" I ran to his suite hoping to find him but all I say was riven and oh great Beatrix "Jess what's wrong why are you crying" Riven asked worried "it's Silva he's been attacked where's sky" i said "he's with Stella" he reply's "okay" i said before running back to where Silva was.
When I got back to them sky was walking out of the green house with tears in his eyes "sky is he going to be okay please tell me he is" i said with a shaky voice "I don't know Jess I don't know" he said comforting me.
After that night I walked back to the suite but when I got into my room sky and Stella where in there before they saw me I walked to sky's room. I knocked the door and Riven answered "hey Jess you okay?" He asked "yeah sorry um could I sleep in sky's bed he's kinda with Stella in my room and I don't really want to see that" I said "yeah of course you know you don't need to ask" he said opening the door.
The next morning I woke up at 5 and riven was also awake "why you awake" i asked him " couldn't sleep" he says we sat there in silence until he spotted my wrist "what happened to your wrist" he said I froze should I tell him... "oh um it was the party you where drunk and high you where mad.."
I said "I done that to you? Omg Jess I am so sorry what the hell why would I do that" he said coming towards me
"yeah well you where just angry"
"Are you mad"
"Not anymore you where just angry I don't blame you I was being annoying" i said looking at my feet
"I'm genuinely so sorry you know I would never purposely want to hurt you" he said sadly
"It's okay" i said we talked for a while and then some how started smoking and drinking but we got high and drunk so fast that I couldn't stop myself from saying......
hope you enjoyed this chapter

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