Chapter Thirty-Six

Start from the beginning

"You're talking to me right now," I pointed out.

Jackson popped his head back up in my view. "That's because I am holding it, dummy."

"I will call him back in a bit," Luke told me.

A disappointed sigh escaped me. "Fine, but tell him I said hi when you do. Also, how is everything going with you two and the distance shit?"

As they stopped at a red light, he turned to Jackson's phone. "It's been fucking difficult to get used to, but we talk every day, and I think we are both pretty happy despite it all."

I smiled back at him. "Aw, Lukey. Distance sounds like such a bitch, though. I can imagine how hard it's been."

He nodded. "Yeah, but we have been looking into the same colleges recently so, that might be something to look forward to."

"What?" I squealed at his words. "You guys need to look at some in Florida. You too, Jack!"

"Florida may be on the list," Luke grinned, focusing back on the road.

"Oh my god, you better put it at the top of the list or I will disown you as my friend."

Luke shook his head, smiling. "I call bullshit. You wouldn't even last a day without me because then you'll have to suffer alone with Jack."

"Hey! Rude," Jackson furrowed his brows.

"Love you, Jacky," The corners of my lips slightly curved up.

"Mhm," He said, unconvinced. "Also, depending on how things are with Destiny and me next fall, maybe I can drag her sexy ass to Florida with me."

I let out a small laugh. "God, I would die of happiness if you all moved out here next year. The only two that would be missing is Mia and Lily, though."

"Well, I think if we all ended up in Florida together, then my sisters would feel too left out not to try and move across the country on a last-minute decision," Luke's shoulders shook with laughter.

"That would be true. Hey, hold on a sec," I placed my phone down before I stood up to quickly throw on a sweatshirt that was on the bed since the boys liked to keep the apartment the same temperature as Antarctica.

Jackson's voice came over the speaker. "Scar, what the hell happened to your room? It looks like a bomb was set off in it."

I walked back over, grabbing my phone and flipped the camera around to show him. "Well, I was trying to get my new desk setup by Nix's desk as a surprise while he was away at practice, but I don't understand the directions at all."

As Luke pulled into his driveway, he took the phone from Jackson. "Show me them."

I snatched the booklet of papers off the floor, aiming the camera at the directions. "There."

Both of their faces were squished together on the screen as they tried to read them. "Scar, we don't speak French," Luke looked confused.

"Huh? Oh, whoops," I flipped it to the English side.

"So, you have take the little twirly screw things and put them in the holes labeled number two with a drill."

"Make sure you use a star-shaped drill bit at the end, too," Jackson added.

My forehead creased. "You lost me at the twirly screws."

They both quietly laughed. "Let us go inside to get a snack, and then we will walk you through it," Luke sweetly offered.

"I knew you two weren't completely useless," I teased. "Kidding, I love you, don't hang up on me."

Jackson laughed. "Whatever, just give us a second to get inside."

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