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I stopped at a fairly large building on a quiet street. I checked my pockets for the little piece of paper that had the address on it. "Yep, this is the place", I said as I shoved the paper back in my pocket. I pushed through the beautiful double doors in front of me then I followed the loud voices up the stairs, passed quite a few rooms that looked like they were for conferences and finally found the source of the all the noise.

"Misa!", I heard someone say behind me. It was Leaf. He looked taller since I last saw him. "Hey you", I said "Let's go see everyone else".

We walked in to find all our friends already there. As we waited for the person who had asked us here to arrive we made small talk. "I wonder what he called us for?", asked Manny. Leaf nodded in agreement as Kel answered,"It's probably very important". Prec also answered,"If he wanted us here then that means it's time to go to work".

"You're absolutely right!", a familiar deep voice answered."This is not the time to be casual".

"G", we all said in unison.

Dr. Sean took me to what seemed like a type of gym. "I didn't know you guys had to train to wear lab coats and do experiments", I joked. He payed no attention to me at all as my friends started to come into view. They all rushed to envelope me in a big hug. "Relax guys I didn't die", I mumbled but Kel heard and she was not pleased. "That might be funny if you weren't missing for the last week ",she frowned.

"Blame him!", I pointed at Dr. Sean. "He's the one who had me locked up underground". The guy was caught totally off guard and looked like a deer in headlights.

"Nice to finally meet you all, I'm Dr. Sean and...Prec interrupted,"We can't really say the same".

"Leave him alone Prec", Manny defended sarcastically. "Kidnapping is the only way he can afford fancy gold watches". I laughed loudly and Sean looked a bit annoyed but mostly embarrassed. "Excuse me, I did not kidnap anybody!". This time Kel answered, "Oh yeah off course, you just agreed to keep us trapped in your lab and you had no problem sedating my sister and leaving her underground".She was walking towards Sean and he was backing away but Leaf stepped in front of him just in time. "Maybe we should all just calm down and figure out why we're here", he told Kel. "Yes, we should...before Sean could finish Leaf turned around with a serious look and grabbed the bright blue tie with his hand,"Listen Dr. tell us what's going on before I decide not to keep her away from you!".

"Why don't we sit down and catch up", the man spoke. Not that he had to because his presence was felt by everyone in the room. "Now hold on G, what do you mean casual?",I asked. "We can catch up some other time". Everyone nodded in agreement but G just smiled. He watched us quietly until we all eventually sat down."What do you mean get ready?", asked Leaf. It made perfect sense that G would ask us here, tell us some about big thing but not everything. No one bothered to ask anymore questions after Leaf's was left unanswered, instead we just continued to listen to what G had to say.

"You need to prepare yourselves and be expectant", he said as he stood up to leave. Those were his last words to us. Well maybe just his lasts words to the others because he called me again later that week.

"OKAY, OKAY LISTEN!", Sean said trying to assert himself. He only managed to sound very frightened "I just work here so please don't shoot the messenger". He was calmer as he continued to speak because Leaf had started to loosen his grip. "It isn't easy you know, being a scientist in this country. There are not many opportunities if any at all to make advancements in science ", He said " These guys offered me a chance to do that and..."And all you had to do was sell your soul", Prec finished in a way that he probably wasn't going for.

"So what do they want with us exactly?", I asked really frustrated at this point. "I mean we are not lab rat material", Manny continued.

"Well, ummm I don't know", he answered with the same nervous smile he wore when I asked him who exactly he worked for. "What do you know then?", I asked losing the last bit of my patience. "They told me to bring all of you up here and to wait until someone else showed up", he answered and as if on cue another man walked in. His dark  skin and big frame made him very different from Sean. He had a serious looking face and wore a sophisticated suit. Following behind him was a short woman with short dark hair. Despite her height she looked tougher than the large man next to her.

Sean left the room immediately as they started to walk towards us. The man spoke in a deep voice, "I'm sure you all have many questions but please keep them to yourselves". The woman continued, "We will inform you of what you are supposed to know but that's it. Please also keep in mind that we are not babysitters so don't act like babies". I rolled my eyes as they talked to us like we were slow.

"And who are you people exactly?",Kel asked.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 17:30. "Oh man I am so late", I groaned as I walked into a little coffee shop. G had asked me too meet him here without any hint as to what he wanted to talk about. "Nice to see you again Misa", he said. "We need to talk". He spoke in his usual calm tone but it was different. There seemed to be a sense of urgency behind it. "I'm supposed to be at Kel's right now so what's up",I said hoping he would hurry. Her house was not far from where I was but I was supposed to be there 2 hours ago to help out.

"Misa, this is important", he didn't sound calm as he said this. The urgency from before was now in full force.

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