Apologies and an Ally? (5)

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"Hey Kat,"

I turn around and see Emma, Norman, and Ray.

"Where are Don and Gilda?" Emma asked me.

"You know where," I respond.

I turn back to making dinner.

"Why didn't you stop them?" Ray asked raising his voice.

"It's not like they will get caught or anything. There isn't any security in that room. As long as they don't draw Mom in there, they'll be fine,"

"How do you know for sure?"

"I've been in there before. I found out about that room a few years ago. All that's in there is books, the kids' toys, and a method of communication. Nothing too special. If I told them the actual truth it's not likely they would believe me. So I thought it would be better for them to find out themselves,"

"I suppose it would be better for them to know the truth sooner or later," Emma stated.


"How'd you get in?" Emma asked the two.

It was after dinner and we were all alone in the dining hall.

"Oh, I gave them a key," I say.

"How'd you even get a key? Norman questioned.

"I make one a few years ago from Mom's key,"

"You two acted stupidly. You to Kat. What if that room was equipped with either a camera, a bug, or an alarm? If Mom or Sister Krone found out you two, no actually all of us, would be-"

"What? Tell us what would happen," Don spat, cutting Ray off.

"Are we all going to get killed?"


"You lied to us. Your 'I don't know' and 'let's go save them' was bull. We can't go help them, Because Conny, Conny and everyone else are already,"

He's taking this better than I thought he would. He's not attacking them or anything.

"Sorry. I'm so sorry," Emma apologized.

"So they're really," Gilda muttered.

"Told you Gilda, Kat. I knew they were lying,"

He turned to Emma.

"What are you hiding? Tell us the whole truth,"

Emma started explaining everything.


"Demons? A farm?"

"And also, Ray's mom's spy," I added.

"Ray's, a spy? All this time?"

Don was in disbelief.

"It was for our sake!" Norman said.

"Then, Ray, you knew what going to happen to Conny that day? And, Emma, Norman, even you Kat, you all tried to lie to us to take us out into a world full of enemies?"

Don bursted out into laughter.

"You can't be serious!"

He then proceeded to punch Norman in the face.

"Hey, Don!" Ray yelled.

He then punched Ray.

"You gotta calm down," I state.

That was a bad idea. He also punched me in the face. It hurt like a bitch.

Don then grabbed onto Emma's shirt pulling her toward him. He was about to punch her too until Gilda intervened.

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