Chapter 1: First Meeting

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So.. yeah. here's the story. pls. tell me if i need to improve or something :)



“Good morning.”

I snapped out of my reverie as my Chemistry teacher greets us and walks in front of the class, places his things on the teacher’s desk and starts his lesson.

“Boyle’s law states that the absolute pressure and volume … ” Blah blah blah. Mr. Thompson’s discussion gets interrupted by a knock on the door. I looked to see who it was and I saw a guy, a newcomer obviously, entering the room. He was wearing a black v-neck shirt, black pants and black sneakers. His hair was either brown or black or both mixed together. He walks towards Mr. Thompson and gives him his permit. I continue staring at him as he introduces himself to the whole class.

“I’m Julian. Julian Philipps.” That’s all? What a boring person.

“Well, hello Julian and welcome to your new school. You may take your seat beside Ms. Dashwood over there at the back.” says Mr. Thompson.

Wait. What?! He’s going to sit beside me?!

Julian spots the empty seat beside me and starts making his way to his chair. My classmates stare at him and starts making comments like “He’s cute.” “He’s hot.” as he passes by the aisle. Some of the girls even giggle and give him their sweetest smile. As he comes closer, that’s when I see it. OHMYGOD. His eyes. If looks could kill, I would’ve been a ghost by now. I’m sure I was gaping because he was smiling at me when he sat beside me.

I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m dead. Shhhhh. Calm down. Inhale. Exhale. That’s it.

“Hi.” I murmured. He nods to show that he heard my greeting. “I’m Alexandria but you can call me Drei for short.” He nods again. “So, where are you from?” I looked at him waiting for an answer. But no answer came. I try again. “How are you liking it here?” Still, no answer. “Where did you last go to school?” This time, I added a smile. I patiently waited for his answer and it did.

“Look, I came here to learn not to talk. And I don’t want you asking questions about my life. I don’t care who you are or who you think you are. Just leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone.”

Ouch. I didn’t expect him to say that. Since when did it become a crime to be friendly? I tried to focus back to Mr. Thompson’s discussion but I can’t. I don’t know why but his words hurt me. The bell rang. Julian stood up, grabbed his bag and left. And that was the moment that I decided to stay away from Julian Philipps.

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