Together she and Cara crept towards the tent flap, each of them taking a position on opposite sides of the flap while Mando merely stayed right in front of the middle of the door. At his stubbornness, Kasia raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

The moment that the Klatooinians stepped through the door, the three of them were already on the raiders. Kasia brought her elbow up to meet her adversary's face and as her arm made contact, she felt the bone of the Klatooinian's nose snap, blood spraying. In a struggle to fight back, the raider managed to land a punch on her shoulder before Kasia kicked him in the inside of his knee, forcing him to the ground. Then suddenly Mando was there, punching him square in the face and knocking him out cold.

Panting, Kasia and Mando seemed to lock eyes for a second before glancing down at the bodies at their feet. Cara grinned at the two of them and nodded. But a moment later, voices rang out as more Klatooinians burst into the tent. This time, however, unlike the last there were much more than four Klatooinians.

Kasia panted as she ducked a blow to the head and drove the knife she had unsheathed from her leg into the raider's chest, the force of the hit causing him to fall to the ground.

Suddenly she sensed a presence behind her, rage pouring from him like cascade of emotion. Eyes widening, she spun and hooked her leg around his ankle, sending them both crashing down to the ground.

Not allowing herself a moment to catch her breath, Kasia sprang back up to her feet, and kicked the gasping Klatooinian in the side of the temple. On contact, his eyes rolled back in his head.

From behind her, Kasia heard the clattering of metal on the ground, and she whirled to see the Klatooinian that she had stabbed slowly rise to his feet, bloodied knife clenched in his hand.

Well shit. He's pissed, she barely had time to think before he charged towards her.

Kasia dove out of the way as he neared her, shoulder screaming in pain as she twisted to stick out a leg and trip the beast. In a blind rage, he didn't have time to stop himself as he fell over her outstretched leg and hit the metal liquid canister head on. He didn't get back up.

Gasping for breath, Kasia turned to find Mando and Cara both panting as well. From the middle of the room, the detonator continued to beep, the sound gradually getting louder and faster. Then another noise clanged throughout the room as two more Klatooinians poured into the room, spraying blaster fire.

"Shit," Kasia cursed as she dove for cover behind a nearby metal tankard. Her eyes darting towards the two approaching figures, she unholstered her blaster, the metal cold on her hand.

Behind a tankard adjacent to her own, a blast whizzed past Mando's helmet and hit the far wall. For a moment, he merely stared at the wall, an idea taking shape in his head.

We're pinned down and the bomb is about to go off, Mando suddenly spoke up in Kasia's head and she jerked her eyes to meet his through the helmet. She watched as he pointedly glanced towards the wall and her mouth formed an 'o' shape as she realized his plan. Next to her, Kasia felt Cara nod in understanding as he raised his gun and began shooting at the wall.

"Come on, I'll cover you," he called to the two of them. Not waiting for another word, Cara ran straight towards the weakened wall, Kasia on her heels as Mando covered the two of them.

With no hesitation whatsoever, Cara rammed the barrier, breaking through the slim wall with little difficulty. Behind her, Kasia and Mando followed. Just as they escaped the small room, a wave of heat exploded as the detonator finally went off, sending the three of them flying.

Kasia groaned as she rolled on her side, picking her face up from the dirt she had face-planted in.

Damn, we barely got out of there in time, she mused, impressed as she glanced back at the wreckage.

Cara groaned quietly as she sat up, "I hope the plan worked," she remarked and Kasia nodded, bringing a hand up to wipe away some of the dirt stuck to her face.

Is your shoulder okay? Mando suddenly asked Kasia silently from beside her, eyeing the previously injured shoulder from under his helmet.

Still keeping her gaze focused on the wreckage of the camp, Kasia nodded once. To be entirely honest it hurt like hell, but there was no way in hell that she was about to tell him that.

Then, Kasia heard a noise that made her heart seem to halt beating in her chest. Slowly, she turned her gaze to look at the source of the noise... and found the two red eyes of the AT-ST staring back at her.

Haltingly, the three of them stood, Kasia's heart thumping loud in her ears. She took a step away from the mechanical monster. Then they all exploded into action.

"Go." Mando burst, turning on his heel and sprinting. "Go!"


Dun dun dun!  ... Can't really be considered a cliffhanger though because we all already know what happens next lol.

Yay we met another goal! Thank you guys to everyone who reads this! (Also I apologize for the very poorly merged gif above lol).

Yay we met another goal! Thank you guys to everyone who reads this! (Also I apologize for the very poorly merged gif above lol)

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Next goal: 1k reads or 100 votes! Or really just whenever. 

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