Chapter 2

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I'm approaching the borders of L'manburg, thinking about what had just happened. Dream said the war was starting. I wonder what he's planning. If I know anything about Dream, it's that he always has a secret agenda.

"Y/n!" My thoughts are interrupted. I look up to see Wilbur. My mood lightens immediately.

"Wilbur!" I stutter as he comes in for a hug. I wrap my arms around my brother, grateful to be back in the safe walls of L'manburg. My happiness doesn't last long. I realize that I need to tell Wilbur about Dream's warning.

"Wilbur," I say, pulling away from his hug and looking into his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks, concern coming over his expression when he sees mine.

"Dreams planning something... he wants to start a war," I say uneasily.

"That son of a-" He starts angrily.

"Wilbur, he's not going to let us have our independence that easily. He gave us 3 days to surrender," I remind him.

"Y/n!!" I turn around to see Tommy and Tubbo standing next to each other.

"Tommy, Tubbo!" I smile, happy to see my friends again.

"Y/n, what happened?" Tommy asks as he walks up to me.

"She'll explain later," Wilbur says waving his hand. He seems mildly irritated that they interrupted us. Tubbo seems to have gotten the message. His eyes meet mine.

"Yes sir," He mumbles to Wilbur and walks away with Tommy. Wilbur sighs and places his head in his hands. He always has to put on a strong leader facade with the others, he's only like this with me.

"Wilbur-" I start.

"Y/n... I'm not sure we can win this war," Wilbur says in a defeated tone I'm not familiar with.

"But we have to try..." I place my hand on his shoulder, Wilbur is my older brother he has always taken care of me, he has always been there for me. I'm not so confident about us winning this war either, but I have to be strong for Wilbur. He needs this.

"We have to try, Wilbur. We have 3 days to prepare and we can't surrender!" I repeat, this time with more confidence. He lifts his head out of his hands, looking at me with a firm gaze.

"You're right. We have to try, for L'manburg."

Later that night:

I lay down on my bed, exhausted from all the events of today. First the spying, then getting caught, then talking to Dream. Dream... he's interesting to say at the least. He never takes off that damn mask, but why? There must be a reason. I shake my head, I have more important matters to think about than Dream.

He's the bad guy anyway, that self-centered green bastard. I chuckle to myself, I'm thinking like Tommy now. As if on cue, Tommy and Tubbo walk inside my room. I smile at my friends as I sit up.

"Hey, y/n!" Tubbo greets me, Tommy waves eagerly.

"So, you gonna tell us what happened?" Tommy asks impatiently, I roll my eyes.

"Nothing much happened," I lie, though honestly nothing much really did happen.

"Oh, c'mon you expect us to fucking believe that?" Tommy says, with his usual tone. Tubbo and I laugh.

"Fineeee. Sapnap caught me and took me to their base. I was left alone with Dream an-" Tommy cuts me off.

"You were alone with Dream?" He exaggerates the word "alone" and raises an eyebrow. I push him playfully.

"Oh shut up already, Tommy, I was a hostage!" I laugh nervously. I notice Tubbo sitting there awkwardly looking down at his thumbs after Tommy had mentioned Dream. I ignore it, continuing my story.

"Anyways, I was alone with Dream in this room, and he threatened me," I pause. "Well, he threatened L'manburg." And he touched my face, I want to add. Shit, I gotta stop thinking about that, I know Dream wouldn't hesitate to kill any of us.

"He said he's preparing for war, a war for our independence. 3 days from now." I finish with a sigh. Tommy's eyes widen.

"That green son of bitch" I half-heartedly laugh at Tommy's comment. I'm with my friends, I should be happy. But... I can't help but feel worried. All of this could be over in 3 days. And with the way things are going, there might not be anything we can do about it.

Author's note: Hey guys! Here's chapter two, chapter 3 will be out soon. Thanks for all the support, comment what you think of it so far, love you all!

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