Juliet and Ray

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N-65 was a virus.

Nobody knew if it was alive or not alive.

Just like the remaining population of planet Earth.

July 25th, 2030.

She ran across the cobblestone. Her heart pounded. Over the roar of her heart she could hear his feet pounding the pavement. She hoped he would tire soon. Adrenaline raced through her, making any weariness go away. If she was to survive this night, she needed to find someone to help her. Juliet could've sworn that her legs were about to fall off, as she turned the corner into the alleyway. She didn't dare look behind her. The alley was almost as terrifying as the man behind her. The darkness was enclosing on her as sped forward. She wasn't sure when the exit was going to appear, Juliet's vision was limited and the high walls around her were an obstacle for the moonlight. Juliet wondered, if she screamed would anybody come to rescue? Is anybody around anymore? It's been over three months since she'd seen a friendly human other than herself. She remembered how one by one, her family and friends perished. Their bodies weren't strong enough to handle the powerful N-65. It first stripped them of all their senses, then their bodies and hope. And after a long period of agony and suffering, they died screaming as their essential for life organs rapidly self-destroyed.

She didn't want to remember it that way, but the harsh memories was what kept her alive. In this world, it was either kill or be killed. Run faster or lay down and wait to die. There were no police stations to hide in. No refugee camps. No military. Juliet knew that very well and now, as she ran with a killer on her tail, her main goal was to survive. She took the risk to look back briefly. Her blonde, tangled and filthy hair hit her face and she desperately swiped it away. Her attacker was nowhere to be seen, but she knew not to stop running. The darkness was a friend, but a deceiving one. One that stabs you in the back when you're not careful. Juliet noticed she was approaching a bin. A turned over, upside down bin large enough to give her a boost over the wall. With a deep breath, she forced her legs to move faster. As she approached the bin, she made a leap and hauled her body up on top of it. It swiveled, unevenly standing on the ground as Juliet decided to make a leap of faith. She bent her knees and sprung upwards as high as she could bounce off the ground, stretching her hands to reach for the top of the wall.

To her surprise, her hands smacked on the edge on the tall and jagged wall, the small pieces of rock digging into her palm. She groaned as she used all of her will power to drag her body up. She could feel the stinging pain of the numerous cuts forming on her palms. However, she couldn't stop now. She was close to getting away, to survival. She heard the huge bang of the bin toppling over beneath her, there was no turning back. With a swift swing of the leg, she was now over the wall and jumping down from it. She tumble rolled, before sitting up and taking in her surroundings. Here, the moonlight lit up a small back garden with a swing set, a wooden bench and a table. Perhaps a family lived here once. Juliet got up and glanced at the wall, the man who chased her would soon find a way to get to her and when he did, he would torture her until he got his answers. Juliet got up and began to walk towards the back door. She knew everything. Her family were one of the first to receive N-65 before it was disapproved.

She knew where it was made, she'd been there. A secret bunker deep under Moscow, Russia. She knew that after the death of her family and countless others, after the confirmation of N-65 being dangerous and a fatal virus, the government decided to continue the distribution. Especially to the third world. They expected a cure to show up, a miracle cure which was almost developed in the same bunker that the vaccination was first discovered. Juliet knew that after the lives have perished, the main parties involved made an attempt to erase any trace of their existance. They fled to random deserted islands, remote countries with low population. They tried everything, but Juliet knew where they went. She watched their every step through a computer screen at what used to be her home back in Detroit. Slowly and very carefully, she made sure that each of the guilty men were dealt with. Just like a fallen angel granting a death wish, Juliet was the one to make sure that they perished.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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