Crazy Over You (a)

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I swear to god Caleb, what do you want?

Where are you? Are you busy?

I just finished my second meeting. Why?

During weekend?

Especially weekend. So, something you want to tell me? Did you hurt yourself? Do I need to bail you out in jail? Or maybe someone finally stabbed you and put you in the hospital because you are too annoying. I chuckled a little at Everly's statement.

Woah, easy there tiger. Why you are so mean, I just miss you.

Miss my ass. If this is one of your pranks again, I will strangle you. Everly replied, and ask Caleb again what does he wants. I cover my mouth, Everly might hear that someone is laughing hard beside her brother.

I am here at The Sterling, can you come over please and have an early lunch with me?

Caleb, I have another meeting in an hour. I don't think I can make it.

Sis, I also have a meeting in an hour, I will not take too much of your time. So better come here and have lunch with your brother.

Everly sighed on the other line. Fine, see you in 15 minutes, Caleb.

Did you hear my sister how much she wants to murder me? You might want to reconsider before it is too late. Caleb smiled like crazy looking at me. This is my surprise to you, he added excitedly.

I am nervous, I blurted out.

Why? It is just Peyton. He stated.

Because she is Eve, that's why. I sighed.

She's here pointing out Everly entering the lounge.

Have you ever had a slow-motion moment in real life when you see someone you like or crush? What could be the reason why such a thing occurs? I struggled to breathe as she walked graciously and elegantly. Her beauty is beyond compare. She was wearing a simple yet stylish dress hugging her curves and heels. Her hair flows freely suits her perfectly.

Butterflies in the stomach is a cliche, but it's also a really, really accurate description of what I feel right now.

Stop drolling

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Stop drolling. Caleb teased while standing up to open the door welcoming his sister.

Looking good Peyton, Caleb greeted her and kissed her cheeks while hugging her tightly.

Am I? She replied jokingly.

By the way, this is my best friend Hayden, Everly immediately looks in my direction, and Hayden, this is my sister, Peyton.

Everly and I just stand there awkwardly not knowing whether to shake hands, kiss cheeks, or hug. And so the staring contest begins. She smiled sweetly at me. We just look into each other eyes like seeing each other souls. It feels like an eternity.

I can't seriously think straight by the way she is looking at me. Like how it feels to ride a rollercoaster when it takes a sudden dip. The pit of in my belly sort of somersaults. And I guess I also feel a little lightheaded, and I can feel the heat on my cheeks, neck, and ears. My breath also hitches. I know it's a cliché too, but I guess I just forget to breathe when you're in the situation.

I think that when you are young and you can't tell for sure whether it's love when you meet someone for the first time, the word that comes to mind is "intriguing". A person that for an inexplicable reason has a magnetizing effect upon you. Until you realize at least that you are in love or obsessed or ecstatic.

I don't mean love, per se, and it's also not like when you look at someone and go "Wow, they're really beautiful!" I'm talking about when you see someone and they smile in such a way or in particular and you feel something different that is hard to explain. It's new and it's fresh and it's innocent.

We were both startled when Caleb suddenly do a fake cough and cleared his throat.

Right, Hayd goes back to your sit and sis you sit there and let's enjoy this lunch. Yey! Caleb commented happily like a kid grinning at both of us.

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