The Unexpected pt2

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Korra made it to school first since she left the house first. It was too early so she waited in the parking lot, thinking. She had to continue to plan out the mission but her mind kept going every else, from her brothers to Asami and then to her father. 'jeez...I need a escape plan' she checked her phone for the time and read 8:20 am '25 minutes till class starts' she let out a sigh

Korra: "where are these kids?" she said to herself wondering where her brothers are.

Korra decided to go into the school and walk around to kill some time. She saw Asami, Kuvira and Opal walking together but she didn't feel like saying hi so she turned around to avoid them. she walked into the bathroom and stared at the mirror, she saw her hickeys popping out 'I should've atleast put some makeup' she thought as she adjusted her hoodie. she herd a toilet flush and a stall open.

Jinora: "oh hey Korra" she served her a smile

Korra: "oh hey" she kept a straight face

Jinora: "i'm sorry about the other night, it went to far" she noticed purple marks on the tan girl's neck

Korra: "oh no please don't apologize it's alright" she cleared her throat and continued "I should get going, see ya" she walked out 'so much for avoiding people'

Korra made it 5 minutes before math class starts to find her brothers in the back table where they normally sit and Asami, Wu, and Opal in the table in front of the bothers. She avoided eye contact with everyone as she made her way to her seat across from Kai, she could feel her brothers staring at her.

Korra: "what?" she asked coldly making them look away

Asami notice something was off with Korra but she didn't think she should ask her.

Opal: "they"

Wu: "you think they got in a fight or something"

Asami: "can you guys not read my mind" she shook her head "me and Korra were texting last night and she seemed fine...ish" she shrugged

Jinora: "hey guys" she joined her friends "what I miss"

Wu: "nothing much just the usual"

Opal: "Korra and the boys seems different today"

Jinora: "yea I don't know what's going on" she looked at Asami

Asami: "why are you looking at me like that"

Jinora: "no reason" she cleared her throat

Ms. Jen: "alright I want you guys to go through these work sheets" she passed out the papers

Korra can feel Kai staring at her but she didn't bother to make him stop. Kai watched her as she was working on the paper, 'why her? how can someone hurt her?' he thought as clenched his fist 'what kind of a brother am I, she couldn't even tell me, ME' he grow madder as kept staring, once she placed her pencil down he snapped

Kai: "why didn't you tell me!" he shot up from his seat looking down at his sister as the room fell silent

Bolin: "Kai stop, we're in class" he whispered as grabbed his brother's arm trying to sit him down

Kai: "don't fucking touch me" he ripped away his arm

Korra: "sit down, Kai" she said sternly still staring at her paper

Kai: "were you ever going to?" he questioned

Korra: "that's enough" she glared at him "i don't know what you are talking"

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