Chapter 11

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"Good morning Hale"

"If by good you mean bad, then yes Good morning lisa" I said tiredly.

"What's got you in a bad mood at-" she looked at her watch quickly and continued "7:40 in the morning?"

"I'm just tired of school, I don't see the point of attending school if I'm not going to use like 70% of the things I'm learning and don't get me started on the fact that we have to wake up soooo early just to get to school and avoid detention, that's total tyranny, tyranny I saw, TYRANNY" I said in one breath.

"Oh come on Hale school isn't that bad, you are just making it out to be bad"

"Maybe, maybe not, but that doesn't stop school from being bad and you are just saying that cause you get to see Aiden wink wonk" I said winking

"Shhhh Hale don't say it that loud someone might hear you" Lisa said already as red as a Tomato.

"Someone might hear what?" a voice I and Lisa know all to well said. We turned around slowly, why you may ask? We will never know.

Anyway after turning around for who know how long, behold it was Aiden and the other one.

"Well we where just talking about Lisa's cr--" I was cut of by a hard stomp at my feet and gosh did it hurt.

"Ouch ouch ouch ouch Lisa whyyyy" I said while holding my feet.

"Sorry Hale I didn't see your feet there" Lisa said apologetically to me then mouthed 'You deserved that'

"Well we where just talking about a secret and can't tell anyone haha yhh....." I said

"Okay......Mason and I just came over to ask about the group project, so when and where are we meeting?"

"Uhhhh Did you say you and Mason? He is currently walking way" I said pointing behind Aiden.

Aiden turned around and shouted Masons name and he turned around then said "I'll meet you in class Aiden" then he glared at me.

Wait a minute why did that thing just glare at me? I tried my best not to look or make eye contact with him....I don't blame him, he was dropped on the head as a baby.

"Um so sorry but Mason did you just glare at me" I said and he must have drank a bottle of audacity, cause he really had the audacity to turn around glare harder and said "Yes and?"

I have been called many things before stupid, dumb, weird but never have I been called a murderer, that has a nice ring to it.

"And nothing and nothing at all" I said smiling.

"Okay guys class is starting soon so we should meet up later at the lunch, sound good?" Lisa said worried.

"Sounds good to me, see you later Lisa and Hale" Aiden said already running to catch up to Mason.

"Omg Hale did you hear that, he called my name" Lisa said squealing.

"I know Lisa he called my name too, now come on go to class" I said laughing.

"Byeeeeee Hayhay" she said running down the hall.

"Ouu hayhay I like that, see you second period" I was going to class when I bumped into someone again and my books fell, I really need to start watching where I'm going. I would be run over by this rate.

"I'm so sor--"


Hey guys🌹

I know what I did was really bad and I am really really sowwwi🥺

Pwease forgive me for not updating for so long

I'm back guys Sowwi for the wait, my updates will be weekly from now on🥺💙🦋


Thank you.


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