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It was in the afternoon when I got a call from Bailey about Meredith. She told me that Mer got COVID and they needed me to do a Clinical research lab on COVID, not only for Mer but for other patients that were in critical condition with Covid-19. I was shocked when they told me Mer was in a coma and she had to be intubated. The last thing I had said to Meredith before leaving for Zurich is don't stick her hand in a body cavity that has a bomb in it or offer your life to a gunman and don't be a hero.

I was still on the phone with Bailey until Bailey heard Evie's voice, I quickly hung her up when she started asked questions. I don't know whether I should let Evie stay here or come with me to Seattle, I never been away from her and I didn't want to leave her behind during a pandemic so I prepared her bags and mines for the next day. Evie begins asking questions like

Evie: Mom, why are we going to Seattle.

Cristina: Were going to Seattle because aunty Mer has covid

I never told Mer that I had Evie but Evie has heard many stories about Meredith and me in our intern, residents, and attending years.

Cristina: this will be your first time seeing Seattle but you won't be in the hospital with me because there are covid patients there and you meet your cousins Zola, Bailey, and Ellis.

Evie: okay mom

Evie and Ellis are 1 year apart.


📍Zurich Airport📍

Cristina: when we get to Seattle don't touch anything medical and wash your hands and carry your hand sanitizer and make sure you were your mask properly.

Evie: Mom, I know what to do, we do this in Zurich too.

For a 6-year-old Evie was smarter than a 14-year-old. Of course, she got it from her mom. Certain things Evie did she got it from me but the other things she did was from Owen.

While we were on the plane,I had a flashback about the plane crash. I can't believe Lexie and Mark died. While I was having a flashback Evie looked at me with a worried face.

Evie: Mom, are you okay?

Cristina: Yea, it just that I have flashbacks about a plane crash during my residents' year.

Evie: You never told me that story yet, mom.

Cristina: Let's just save that story when you're older.

Evie: ok mom

13h 40 mins Later


While we were waiting for a cab, I was thinking about Owen. If he had seen Evie, he would be mad at me because I kept her away from him and Owen moved on with his life and so should I.

Once I found a cab we got inside the car, Evie had already fallen asleep by the time we arrived at Grey Sloan Memorial. I held Evie on my side while walking in, I notice some things in the hospital changed. While I was entering the hospital Dr. Webber welcome me back but his face seemed astonished to see me.

Dr. Webber: Welcome back Dr.Yang, who did you bring with you today.

Cristina: This is my daughter Evie, She napping but how's Mer today? And where's bailey?

Dr. Webber: I asked questions later but Mer is still intubated and she's getting worse. Bailey and Teddy are doing post-ops outside her room.

I was surprised when he said, Teddy is here.

Cristina: Can I see Mer.

Dr. Webber: Yes but you can't go in the covid area with a child.

Cristina: Can you take her to the attending room.

Dr. Webber: Ok but you have to pick her once you're done, and get a PPE.

As I was walking toward Mer's room, I saw Bailey and Teddy.

Bailey: Cristina, a long time no see.

Cristina: Hey Dr. Bailey and Dr. Altman

Teddy: Hey Cristina

Teddy: I'm so happy to see you back, Cristina.

Christina: how's Mer post-ops?

Bailey: Meredith has low levels of oxygen and it's mostly affecting her lungs. We had put Meredith on medical research for covid but we don't know if it will work.

Cristina: Just in case the medical research you put Meredith on doesn't work we will have another one:

The Attending Lounge

Meanwhile, in the Attending Lounge, Attendings started coming in the lounge but once they came in they wonder who was the little girl sleeping on the couch.

As Evie heard the sound of people mumbling she wakes up from her sleep. The attendings began asking her question.

Jo: Hey little girl, are you lost?

Maggie: do you want us to help you find your mom?

Evie gave them a look that Cristina did

Jo thoughts: Why she reminds me of Dr.Yang

Evie: My mom came here to Seattle to help her friend who's sick.

Jo: Let's go find her and wear this PPE

Jo looked everywhere in the hospital except the ICU are.

As soon as they went to the ICU area, Evie let go of Jo's hand and hugged Cristina. When Evie called Cristina "mom", everybody froze for a good 5 minutes and look at Cristina and Evie.

                         ...To be Continued...

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