"I asked them to change Lux this morning because she had a poopy diaper and they all scattered. The only ones I have seen since then are Liam and Louis."

  "Louis should not run at a poopy diaper. He has a lot of little siblings. I am sure he has changed one before."

  "Yeah but when I called him out here to check if she felt warm to him or not he would not come out here until I told him that I already changed her. I don't understand what guys have against changing a diaper."

  "I don't either. Here is the medicine. I can take her through the sound check but can you watch her after that?"

  "Yeah. I was going to watch the show from the crowd but I will take her with me." She grabbed Lux and headed to the door. I grabbed her diaper bag and had Liam grabbed the play pin and we put it all in her car. I went back in and all of the boys were sitting on the couch.

  "Oh now all of you reappear after the baby is gone. What are all of you going to do when you have kids and your wife or girlfriend asks you to change the childs diaper?" I ask all of them.

  "I don't plan on having kids anytime soon. I am only 18." Harry said.

  "Yeah I know that but in the future. You can't always expect the girl to change the diapers for you. Your gonna have to change a baby's diaper eventually. What about when you watch Lux for Lou." I told him.

  "That is why we have you with us. By the time we go on tour again she will be out of diapers." Louis said.

  "Actually she may not be. She is almost a year old. A lot of parents don't start potty training them until they are two or three years old." Liam said.

  "Yeah. Louis you should know this. You have six little sibling." I told him.

  "I don't pay that close attention. Anyways don't we have a sound check to get to." Louis got up and walked into his room. All of the other boys got up and went to change then came back to here I was.

  "Are you going to come to the sound check with us?" Liam asked. I nodded and followed them out the door. We got down there and all of their crew was already setting up.

  "Okay we are going to run through the set. Start with Girl Almighty." The manager said. They started singing. They went through the whole set list before they came back stage where I was sitting. I noticed that Niall was a little pale.

  "Niall are you okay you look a little pale." I said. Niall nodded and went to lay down on the couch.

  "I don't think he is feeling good. All of us asked if he was okay but he keeps saying that he is fine." Lou said. She handed me Lux and went to help some of the stage crew.

  "Hey can you go get some food Sarah I am hungry." Louis said.

  "Yeah I can. What do you want?" I asked them. They all have me their orders. I went to get Lux's car seat from Lou and put it in the car that we rented. I grabbed the food and went back to the stadium. I got inside and Niall was no longer laying on the couch.

  "Guys where is Niall?" I asked while they all grabbed their food.

  "I don't know. He was laying there then he jumped up and ran out the door." Harry said.

  "None of you went to check on him. Here take Lux." I handed Lux to Harry and went to find Niall. I found him getting sick by the back door.

  "Niall why did you not tell me that you were feeling sick this morning?" I asked him.

  "Because you were already taking care of Lux I didn't want you to have to take care of me too." He told me. After he was finished I led him back inside and laid him down. I grabbed Lux from Harry and went to find the tour manager for the boys. I found him and tapped on his shoulder.

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