2| Persuasion

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Author's Note:

chapter 2? yes boys we are indeed back with chapter 2! how exciting is this well let's get on with it then!


"This tart is really good but did she happen to give you any of the peach ones?" Jae asked as the door finally closed behind Baek-Han.

"About that," Jihun started, smiling sheepishly, "I was eating the only peach one she had left before that blubbering idiot ran into me in the square and knocked it out of my hands."

"I really hate that guy," Jae huffed in annoyance.

"Don't we all?"

Jihun joined Jae at her work bench, grabbing yet another tart out of the pastry bag and biting into it with a satisfied hum. "So about the competition," he started.

"What about it?"

"Nothing," Jihun shrugged, "I was just wondering what you thought about it."

"This isn't anything new Jihun. They do it for every royal family. The king, the queen, any offspring. People like Baek-Han will gather and duke it out to see who has the most testosterone. That's really all there is to it."

Jihun laughed at Jae's description of the competition. "Well I was actually thinking," Jihun trailer off for a moment.

"Oh gods, what have you got going on in that head of yours now?" Jae asked, putting her second tart down and finally focusing on her brother.

"Look, don't get mad and run to the backyard like I know you're going to. Just," Jihun sighed, "just hear me out ok?"

"I'm listening," Jae said skeptically.

"I think you should go."

Silence blanketed the shop as the twins stared at each other for a brief moment.

"Sorry, what was that? I didn't hear you."

"You heard me alright. I think you should go," Jihun repeated slowly, annunciating every syllable clearly.

"What was in that peach tart? Now I'm glad Baek-Han knocked it out of your hands. Any more of it and you'd be telling me I should marry that guy."

Jihun rolled his eyes. "Nothing was in the tart! I just think you should go. After all, you do have the training and the background for it."

Jae scoffed. "Training. Right. Because that's what it was." Jihun stared at her. "My dear twin brother. Get this in your head ok? I'm not going to join this silly little competition to protect some silly little royal."

"You just don't want to acknowledge the past. You were given a gift and yet, you refuse to utilize your skills. Regardless of how fiercely you present yourself, there's just a coward of a girl hiding under that shell," he said harshly.

Jae was shocked. Her eyes widened ever so slightly and if she hadn't trained herself to keep a straight face, her jaw might have been on the floor. Jihun never spoke like that. Especially not to her. His usually soft, charming face was determined, as though challenging her to a duel. It took her a moment to school her features back into their usual cold, disinterested look.

Leaning forward, she whispered to her brother, "Nothing that man gave me was a gift. The scars on my body are proof enough of that. Do not expect your words to change my mind and do not attempt to persuade me any further." She got up abruptly and walked out the back door, just as Jihun said she would earlier. The boy sighed, eyes drooping and body slumped in defeat, but he had his mind made up. He would see her off to the competition no matter what.


Jihun spent the next week and a half doing the exact opposite of what Jae had warned him not to do. He pestered and pleaded, going so far as to throw empty threats her way but Jae simply ignored her brother and maintained her disinterested demeanor. For the first time in a week and a half, she was out of the house and most importantly, alone.

Jae made her way to her own personal heaven. The town's bookstore. The bookkeeper was pleased to see her as she ambled her way in, bells atop the door ringing to signal her entrance. Jae finally cracked a smile, waving at the man placing books along one of the many shelves.

"Your brother dropped off your books last week. I must say, I was quite disappointed you hadn't shown up yet. I had set aside a few novels you might enjoy reading," he said, peering at her over his glasses.

"Ah, sorry about that ahjussi. My brother wanted to pick up a few pastries so I figured I'd send the books along with him since it was just a quick drop off."

"No worries. I've still got them waiting for you. Why don't you take a seat? I just brewed some tea, we might as well catch up a bit."

"I'd love that." Jae walked towards the back of the store where a few plush cushions were lined up along a cozy bench that was placed along a window. Sejun, the bookkeeper, appeared with tea and a plate of dried fruit and nuts. He offered Jae a cup of the steaming beverage before settling down on the bench across from the girl.

"You came in looking like you had something on your mind. Anything new happen?"

"Nothing much really," she replied. Jae and Sejun had grown quite close over the years. She had shown up to the bookstore every single week and spent all day reading books in the back silently, but never buying one because she hadn't had the money for it back then. Sejun hadn't been able to talk to her at first, simply because she never uttered a word to him save for the silent nods she would give him when asked a question. Eventually, he broke through to her and they developed almost a father-daughter type bond. Sejun started letting her take books home free of charge but as soon as Jae started working, she slyly slipped a handful of coppers into the man's money box whenever she showed up to the store.

"Mmm, I would let it go but you look troubled. It isn't a sin to share your troubles with those that are there to support you Jae."

Jae stared at the worn carpeting on the floor before sighing. "I'm sure you've heard of the king's summons by now. The first knights competition is a few days away." Sejun waited for her to go on. "The thing is," Jae sighed again, "Jihun wants me to go and compete."

"Well why don't you go for it then? You know Jihun is your twin brother. He would never force you to do anything he didn't think was good for you," Sejun reasoned.

"I'm sure Jihun has good intentions ahjussi, but I really don't think that competition is for me. I don't want to leave Jihun, the shop, this town, this bookstore, and everything I've ever known behind. And all for what? To protect some royal for the rest of my life? I have no problem being a swordsmith in Chymal for the rest of my life instead."

"Be a little more open-minded Jae. There's nothing wrong with at least considering joining the competition. Even if you go and end up losing, you'll just return to Chymal and continue your job alongside Jihun. Regardless of any outstanding circumstances, you have been given an opportunity. Take it. It might not ever come again and who knows? Various doors you never knew existed might open up for you."


"Think about it, ok? I'm not pushing you to go. Just keep my words in mind and consider going," Sejun said, "And one last thing. Do not let your fear control you. Fear makes a man hesitate, fear does not allow you to think rationally. Rise up to the occasion and face it. If you refuse to face it, that fear will come back to consume you eventually."

Jae just nodded at the man's words, thoughts swirling in her mind like a tornado. She got up and started to walk out, boots thudding against the wooden boards of the entrance as she neared the door.

"Don't forget to grab those books I set out for you. And if you go," Sejun paused, "keep them."

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