"Really? Snape over Pansy?" Y/n shook her head, hugging her books closer to her chest as they passed a group of young first years.

"Yes, you're lucky you don't have siblings." Penelope stated, nudging her arm into Y/n's side. "Look, that's Harry Potter." Y/n turned slightly, watching the group they had just passed by. "Shame. He would have been an awesome Slytherin."

"I've always wanted a sister." Y/n frowned at Penelope's words.

"Yeah?" Penelope grinned, "You can have Pansy."

Y/n smiled as she shook her head, "Nevermind."

The pair had reached the Common room doors, mumbling the password. A sigh escaped Y/n's plump lips as she tugged Penelope's robes, motioning towards the vacant couch near the back of the common room.

Penelope smiled as she greeted her fellow Housemates, shaking her head as Y/n kept her eyes on the ground and silently passed them. "You'd know more people if you'd say 'hi' once in a while."

"I like my group of friends, thank you very much." Y/n stated, sitting on the love seat.

"Friends?" Penelope asked as she took a seat besides her. "Honey, Bloody Baron does not count."

"Very funny, Penny." Y/n nudged her, "I'm terrified of him." She whispered.

Penelope shot her friend a knowing look. "Anyways. How did you end up being arranged to Flint?"

Setting her books to the side, Y/n shrugged. "Aunt Vinda is a great friend of his grandmother, Josephina. Over the summer she came over, next thing you know Marcus's mother is having tea with mine."

"Wait, so, you and Marcus never really interacted during the summer." Penelope asked, watching as Y/n shook her head. "Do you even know the guy?"

Y/n bit her lip, "I know he's in our year and house. But, I've never talked to him."

"That's just- that's preposterous." Penelope exclaimed, earning odd looks from the other students. "Move on." She barked at a group of girls. "Do you know what he looks like?"

"I- yeah." The girl nodded, "I've also heard people say he's half-troll."

Penelope snorted a laugh, "yeah, we all heard that. But, he's not that bad looking. That is aside from the funny tooth he carries."

"Penny! Penny!" A young girl cried out causing the brunette to let out a small whine.

"No, no." Penelope pleaded, watching as her younger sister ran towards them. Her short bob bouncing as she sat herself in between both girls. "What do you want?"

"Geez, I came to see Y/n." The youngest Parkinson stated, turning to the h/c girl with a smile. "Is it true? Oh, I'm sure it is. A beautiful girl like you to be married at a young age. My, you really are lucky." Pansy stated dreamily, oblivious to the dirty look her sister shot her.

"Lucky?" Penelope shoved her sister off the couch, watching with a satisfied smile as she landed on her side. "She's been sold away without actually being sold. Only someone as crazy as you would think that's lucky."

Pansy stuck her tongue out at her, turning to Y/n with a small smile. "Do you have a flower girl yet?"

"Go away!" Penelope barked. Her sister stood up from the ground with a frown and walked away. "I'm sorry about her, Y/n/n."

"It's okay. I guess everyone already knows, huh?" Y/n leaned back, her hands tugging her skirt down.

Penelope watched as the common door was opened, a smile tugging at her lips. The Slytherin Quidditch team had walked in, sweaty and tired from practice. A seat of brown beady eyes locked onto her own as she called the male over.

"Ladies." Graham Montague greeted as he positioned himself between the girls. A small smile forming on his lips as he watched them squirm away from him. "Hey, Penny called me over. So deal with it."

"Goodness Monty. You reek." Y/n giggled as she tried to remove his arm from her shoulder.

"Tell me something I don't know." He laughed, standing up and playfully bowing down to them. "Y/n/n, I thought you and I had a connection." He pouted, earning a sharp kick in the shin from Penelope.

"Let me guess, you heard about Flint?" Y/n shook her head, hoping the gossip would die down.

"Yeah," he offered her a small smile. "Don't go believing those rumors about him. He's a cool guy once you get to know him." Montague informed her, ruffling her hair before bidding them a goodnight.

Penelope took hold of Y/n's books before motioning for her to stand up. "Let's go get some rest."

The girls made way to their dormitories, bidding their housemates a goodnight. "Do you really think he's a good guy?" Y/n asked as she climbed into bed.

"I've talked to him." Penelope admitted, laying on her side to look at Y/n. Shrugging as she added, "He seems to be nice to those he knows well."

The h/c girl lay on her back as she let out a hum, thinking about the boy she was to be married to. She had classes with him throughout her years at Hogwarts, but as she thought about it she never had spoken a word to him.

"Hey, don't tire yourself out by just thinking about that." Penelope started, tossing a pillow over to the bed where her friend seemed lost in her thoughts. "Just sleep."

"Goodnight, Pen." Y/n yawned.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Flint." Penelope teased, letting out a small yelp as she got hit by her own pillow, courtesy of Y/n.

hello. welcome to 'Rosier', let me know your thoughts on this story so far. don't forget to comment and vote! <3

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