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"Did you hear?" A blonde spoke eagerly. Watching as Madame Pince narrowed her eyes as a means to shut her up.

"About what?" Another asked, her hand coming to a halt as she watched her friend lean in closer. The blonde moved her notes to the side, beckoning her to come close.

"Y/n Rosier is to be arranged with Flint." The blonde stated in a hushed tone.

The other girl let out a gasp, "Marcus Flint and Y/n Rosier!"

"Will you be quiet?" The blonde scolded. "I overheard Janice, the hufflepuff, who overheard it from Lucian, who spoke directly to Adrian and Marcus, that they are to be married."

"That poor girl." The girl shook her head, "She's the nicest slytherin we've met. And to be engaged to a-a troll."

The blonde scoffed a laugh, "nicest Slytherin? Have you forgotten she somehow managed to give me green hair for an entire month?"

"Well," the other girl shrugged, "it was you who tripped her in the Great Hall, right before she was sorted. I don't blame her. Oh, imagine the humiliation she must have been through."

"Are you really defending her?" The blonde asked, angry at her friend. "I apologized. It was an accident. And green does not suit me."

The other giggled, "it most definitely is not your color." Clearing her throat she leaned back, "But, now she's to be engaged to the meanest Slytherin. I think that has to be worse than being tripped in front of the entire school."

"Hmm, Y/n Rosier and Marcus Flint, who would have thought." The blonde shook her head. The library doors were swung open, rather loudly causing Madame Pince to squirm.

The two girls watched as Penelope Parkinson walked in, they must have been staring too long because the brunette scowled in their direction. They cowered in fear, watching as she made her way towards a table that was not far from theirs.

"Hey." Penelope greeted, slumping down in the seat in front of Y/n. "They're not bugging you, are they?" She pointed her thumb in the direction of the two girls, letting out a small laugh as she watched them gather their belongings and leave.

"No," Y/n spoke softly. "They just gossip, it's all they ever do."

"Hmm," Penelope watched her friend with a somber look. "The rumors. Are they true?"

The girl's e/c orbs locked onto Penelope's green orbs, a small frown on her face. "Mother says it will do the family name good." She whispered softly.

"Y/n/n, I'm genuinely sorry." Penelope spoke. "I thought I'd be arranged before you, if I'm being quite honest."

The girl furrowed her brows, a smile tugging at her lips. "Me too."

Penelope stood from her seat, a scoff escaping her lips, "I'd kill my parents if they tried. That's Pansy's stuff, I swear that eleven year old has her eyes set on someone already. Probably already planning her wedding."

Y/n let out a chuckle, collecting her books. "Little Pansy. How do you think her first day has been so far?"

"Beats me. The brat can go drown herself at the Black Lake." Penelope informed her friend as they made their way towards the Slytherin common room. "Hogwarts was the place I can escape from her. Now that she's here I plan on hiding in Snape's office to avoid her."

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