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Written  by- thelatentwriter

Our flag does not fly cause the wind moves it; it flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.

Army, Navy, Air force, doesn't just thinking about them fill us with pride and honour? We are the people of the World's 4th most extensive and powerful defence system. Our military forces have been working day and night, tirelessly guarding our borders and protecting us from such enemies. They have always been a symbol of dedication, perseverance, hard work, punctuality, and patriotism. There's so much to learn from our army men and so much to look up for.

Our armed forces have always been determined, with eyes set on one goal. Be it in Kargil or Siachen or even in Galwan valley, they have set bravery and fearlessness standards. Death has never been something to scare them, and we at India Legion is here to pay a small tribute to all our heroes.

When we talk about learning from our brave men, the list is unending, but there are many lessons to take. To be the caretaker of our integrity, if we don't believe in ourselves, then heck, the world will! We are the maker and breaker of our lives. If we keep fighting, keep struggling, keep striving for more and better, they will surely achieve great heights. Or as we, GenZ prefer, keep hustling!

We owe all those brave souls who sacrificed their lives to give us a life of no fear—a night of peace without worrying whether we'll get to see the morning sun or not. We owe to them a better India, an India they could be proud of and smile at, thinking that they did die for something and not just an India but a world where no child has to learn the meaning of martyr.

With the slogan of, 'शौर्यम..दक्षम..युध्धेय..! बलिदान परम धर्म! Our soldiers have never thought twice before serving the nation and dying for it. Should never stop valuing their scarifies, of all those thousands of men who put us over their own family and children and made sure that their country will always be safe and protected.

Our soldiers aren't ever divided by caste, religion, or colour; they just have one identity, i.e., of a soldier and one goal of protecting the motherland. Isn't that something we all should learn and bring into our lives? Still, even after more than 70 years of Independence, there are religious clashes. One man killing the other, when our soldiers are dying every other to protect the brotherhood and secularity, then are we doing justice to their sacrifice by fighting among us? Is this fair to all those lives who die for a together India?

So join IndianLegion as we go on a journey paying tribute to our heroes in this edition of Gazette and learn as much as we could -

So join IndianLegion as we go on a journey paying tribute to our heroes in this edition of Gazette and learn as much as we could -

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By JyotiiD

"Not every beauty queen wears a crown, some wear barrettes and serve as heroes."

Women during British rule were allowed to be a part of the armed forces but only as nurses. Women were first inducted as Military Nursing Officers in 1927 and then as Medical Officers from 1943 in British Indian Army as per the directorial need to look after troops, families, and the public during deployments, including the female population. Post-independence, the enrollment of women officers into the Indian Army through the Women Special Entry Scheme (WSES) started in 1992, after the approval of the Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs and the Indian Army allowed women to be a part of non-medical roles. In 1996, Ruchi Sharma was the first women operational paratrooper in the Indian Army. She joined the army in 1996 when she was 20 years old as a Short Service Commission officer. She then volunteered to become a paratrooper. 

Born in Punjab, Punita Arora was the first woman to be both Lt. General of armed forces and Vice-Admiral in the Indian Navy. She has been awarded 15 medals in her entire career which includes Param Vishisht Seva Medal, Sena Medal etc. In 1992.

Priya Jhingan was the first female cadet to join the Indian Army. She was so desperate to join the Army that she wrote a letter to the chief of Army staff to allow women into the Army. " I wanted to march through life wearing the olive green uniform"- her words impressed the Chief and that year along with her, 24 other females were recruited. 

 Hailing from Odisha, Mitali Madhusmita is the first woman officer to receive Sena Medal for Gallantry.  Despite her parents' refusal to join the army in 2000. On 26 February 2010,  Mitali was on a UN mission in Kabul when one morning she woke up to the deafening noise of gunfire and blasts. She got to know that there is a suicide bomber inside the campus. Without thinking anything and despite being unarmed she jumped in to save her colleagues. That day she saved 19 lives and emerged as a Hero.

These daughters of India have never defied away from standing for their country and have created history by fighting bravely for their country. They have made us understand that there is no male and female in the armed forces, everyone is an officer. Let us salute these brave warriors who defied the gender roles and excelled in their respective fields and have India proud.

 Let us salute these brave warriors who defied the gender roles and excelled in their respective fields and have India proud

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