Korra: "whatever, I lost my appetite" she grabbed her keys and left the house taking her new satomobile

Kai: "oh great job Mako" he continued to eat his food

Bolin: "why don't you let her do things?" he asked "you always have a problem every time she does something with a girl"

Kai: "do you not like gay people?" she popped the question

Mako: "WHAT?! I a-" he stopped sentence and started a different one "I just don't want to see her or anyone, you know how she gets"

Kai: "it was only one relationship she fucked up in, and now you think based on that one she'll be like that with future ones too"

Bolin: "what even happened with Jess, I don't even know the whole story" he asked with his mouth full of waffles

Mako: "Korra had a solo mission and she had to take out her target, turns out the target was Jess's older brother, he did terrible crimes and Korra got close with Jess, using her to get to the brother, but she got too close." he sighed "when the day came Korra finished her mission, she had to stop everything with Jess who was in pain after losing her brother, she looked for Korra for support but Korra was already gone"

Bolin: "so you think Korra never liked Jess"

Mako: "The thing is, she did, she really liked Jess but she couldn't be with her knowing the fact that she was the one who caused the girl pain and to hide a secret like that too" he took a sip of his orange juice "and Korra changed in a way, she became... emotionless"

Kai: "and you're scared Korra would do the same with Asami, if Korra has to end Hiroshi in order to complete her mission"

Mako: "she'll do it" he sighed "like I said... you know how she gets, she puts her missions first before her happiness"

Kai: "why though?"

Bolin: "because of her father duh" he said

Mako: "what do you mean?"

Bolin: "what do you mean what do I mean?" he gave him a look "she's always trying to make him proud, so she doesn't get..." he stopped his sentence to find himself staring at two confused boys "holy shit you don't know"

Kai: "know what Bolin!" he smashed his hands on the table

Bolin: "Tonraq beats Korra behind Senna" he had a confused face "you guys couldn't tell?"

Kai: "I...." he was lost at words as his eyes began to water 'she's there for me and I was never there for her' he let out a shaky breath 'she always told me she understood my nightmares but I never believed her because, how could she? but it makes sense now'

Mako: "he beats her?"

Bolin: "yeah, and he'll always find a reason... like if she makes a mistake...or if one of us makes a mistake she gets the consequences" he sighed

Kai: "di..did she tell you"

Bolin: "no, I would see him take her to a room and minutes later she came back out with puffy red eyes and she would sometimes come out limping or a couple bruises" he watched his brothers "you guys really couldn't tell?" he earned a nod from both "that's why I was the 'favorite' to Tonraq, I always made sure i wouldn't make a mistake, so Korra wouldn't get hurt"

Kai: "why am I so stupid" he sobbed and Mako right away moved towards him and held him 'I always cried because my parents left me while she's trapped with hers'

Mako: "Kai don't cry please, it's alright"

Kai: "alright?" he pushed his bother off him "how could you say that, it's not alright"

Bolin: "kai"

Kai: "how could she not tell us... not tell me!?"

Mako: "kai calm down"

Kai: "don't tell me what to do" his crying stopped as his face turned mad "you don't understand"

Bolin: "then help us understand" he pleaded

Kai: "we're going to be late" he sad coldly and grabbed his keys and left in his car

Mako: "what's wrong with us"

Bolin: "a lot" he sighed "come one let's go" the two decided to take the jeep to save parking. And drove off to school.

I know this chapter is pretty short my bad, there well be a part two to this chapter
sorry for any Errors - yami out

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