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"Lilith!" Draco chanted happily. Smiling at me.

"Malfoy!" I imitated him, sitting next to Liv, in between the two of them. "You missed me?"

"I did. Got you the news," he said, pointing, proudly, at a little badge in his chest. "I'm Slytherin's new Prefect."

I looked at him surprised. Draco wasn't the kind of boy to get himself in trouble, at least not the kind of one to be caught, so I wasn't surprised he got chosen as Prefect, but who on Earth would like to have that responsibility?

"You better be behaving well, Arambella. I wouldn't like to give you detention." he teased, eating a green apple. He had grown a lot this summer and was definitely catching the eye of some of the younger Slytherins, even though for me he kept being the same little kid.

"We both know you aren't going to give me detention, Draco."

"Shhh, please, I have a reputation to maintain."

As soon as the train stopped, I grabbed Liv's hand to get out together, while Draco almost threw himself to Potter's cabinet to mess with him. Some things never change. Being welcomed by Scotland's summer air was recovering, and being next to my best friend was even better.

While we were dragging our luggage to the carriages, I gave a quick gaze to Fred. He was chuckling at something George and their inseparable friend Jordan said, I scowled. Since we got on the train, I hadn't received a single look from him, which was different from these last months when I could feel his brown eyes on me every five minutes, and it felt weird but I knew it probably was because of being back with his mates and having more people to entertain him but it wasn't like I cared or something. He could piss off if he wanted to. I wanted to go to Draco and Blaise's carriage but Liv dragged me with hers and Luna's. Obviously, I didn't complain.

Soon, all the carriages started to fly, guided by the Theastrals, those creatures I couldn't see.

Since ours was one of the few carriages that weren't complete, we had some company. And what a company! The golden trio and Neville Longbottom!

"Cheers, 'Mione," I said to the brunette and she smiled. "Nev, mate, I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too, Lilith! Lots!"

"Hi, Lilith." Hermione softly said, and soon her eyes went straight to Luna and Liv. "Oh, guys, this is Olivia and her sister Loony-" she stopped herself and I opened my eyes widely. "I mean, Luna Lovegood, sorry."

I noticed Liv tensing by my side and Luna trying to ignore it.

"Hermione!" I called her out in a whisper.

Don't tell me she was one of the people who messed with Luna, please.

The girl's eyes slightly watered, nervously, and very embarrassed.

"I'm terribly sorry. Oh, my God, I don't know what I was thinking. So sorry."

"It's okay." Luna simply said as Liv caught her hand and caressed it.

We continued the trip in silence until the doors of the castle. Once down, while everyone was taking their stuff, Hermione approached me, kinda shyly.

"Lilith? Are you mad at me?" she softly asked with a trembly voice. "I'm terribly sorry, I-"

"Hermione," I interrupted her. " It's okay. I'm not mad at you, I understand you had that name in your mind because of how much we hear it from the bloody Raves but next time, try to be more careful, 'kay? Luna has already too much to deal with."

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