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Minho walked in, slamming the door shut. I kept silent, and so did Mina and Nayeon. They were probably confused as heck right now but I couldn't focus on that.

"What do you mean you can't let Chan die again?" I kept silent and he spoke up again, "Tell me! How do you know all of us? Who are you?" I sighed, looking down, patting the space next to me.

He sighed annoyed, sitting down.

"This sounds seriously crazy, it does to me too, but it's true. I...I met all you guys before. But somewhere else. Everything is the same, the same people and the same thing is going on. In there, Yedam killed you and Chan's father."

"Chan's father? He's alive." "Well, some things are different, but I don't know what is and what isn't. Anyways, after that happened Yedam poisoned Chan and after killed him and Junhyuk in a forest."

"W... what?!" "I know, it's crazy. But believe me, a similar thing happening here, I think Yedam's planning to kill Chan tomorrow."

"I....y...yeah let me just process it all..." I nodded, as he stared at the floor for a good minute before looking up at me.

"If things are the same... what went wrong there?"

"Well... Yedam had everyone fooled then... and umm... Junhyuk! Chan hated and misunderstood Junhyuk when he knew all along what Yedam could do." "...Junhyuk? The two are really close, well, since this trip that is."

I sighed, holding onto my head looking at the floor. "I don't know..."

"...How about I bring Junhyuk here?" "No, let's go there. But someone needs to keep Yedam away." Minho sighed and said, "I'll sort that out. Come on."

He got up but then I asked him, "How come you believe me?" He sighed, looking down at me, staying quiet for a moment before speaking up, "I don't. But I know Yedam's up to no good. And it's weird that you know all of us."

He sighed again then asked, "What happened to me?" "You?" He nodded in confirmation. "You...you died. I think it was Yedam who killed you."

He sighed, looking up at the wall. "I really want to believe you now...let's just hurry up."

He walked out of the room, and I stood up too, turning to Mina and Nayeon. "Come on" I said, and they sighed before getting up. They walked out, and I sighed too before following them out.

Yedam was no where to be seen though. "Where's Yedam?" I asked Minho. "He's not here."

Changbin and Junhyuk looked confused as hell.

"Guys...so..." He sighed before starting, "Long story short, but Chan hyung's in danger. It's Yedam. I think...he wants to kill him."

They both widened their eyes, looking even more confused. Minho sighed, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed whilst looking at me. "Explain everything." I sighed before explaining the story for the hundredth time.

"...So...Yedam is going to kill Chan... and maybe me?" Junhyuk asked, looking unsure. "He's not going to. We're gonna stop him" Minho said, pushing himself off the wall and walking over.

"But how is the question." "Well, if he's planning to do it in the forest like you said, we just have to make sure Chan isn't alone." "That won't cut it. Yedam had a lot of people on his side last time" I said.

"Well, let's think of a plan." We nodded, and discussed a good plan with things to do if something goes wrong.

After, me, Mina and Nayeon were about to leave before Changbin spoke up. "One more thing... are we telling Chan about this?"

We all looked at him, he was still looking sick whilst asleep. "...He's already been through a lot on this trip, let's not for now" Minho sighed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'll explain later, go back for now." I nodded, and left with Mina and Nayeon.

"Are you sure it'll work?" Nayeon asked. "I really hope it does..." She sighed, then went silent.

I'm sure it'll work, but Yedam can be pretty unpredictable. The basis is we wait until Yedam makes a move, so we can catch him red handed. We need evidence of what he's done so that he can be punished. The mistake last time was that Yedam wasn't caught, which resulted in Chan going after him and dying. This time, Yedam needs to be exposed for us to win.


Chan woke up the next day to Junhyuk gently shaking him awake. "Chan?"

The said boy sat up slowly, holding onto his head as he had a headache.

"How are you feeling?" "Not great..." he muttered.

Junhyuk sighed, patting his back softly. "Come on, it's lunch time and after lunch we have to listen to those stupid teachers speeches or whatever."

Chan sighed, getting up with Junhyuk's help. He put on something warm then the two left together to the cafeteria. When they got there Minho and Changbin were already eating.

"I'll get the food, sit down." Chan nodded and sat down as Junhyuk left the scene.

He looked up at Minho who was sitting in front him on the opposite side of the table. He frowned when his gaze landed on the younger's neck.

"What happened to your neck?" He immediately froze but quickly went back to normal and said, "Allergic reaction."

Chan frowned, not believing what he said. He leaned closer, making Minho look up at him quietly.

"W-" "Here you go Chan." Junhyuk put a tray of food in front of Chan and one down for himself.

Chan sighed, grabbing his utensils and putting some food in his mouth. He then realised. "Where's Yedam?" he asked. "I don't know actually, when we woke up he was gone."

He sighed and looked down at his food.

They ate and went to the meet up area to listen to the teachers ramble on about anything.

After, Chan said he needed to go to the restroom so he left.

"I feel bad for doing this" Changbin muttered. "So do I, but it's the only way. He'll be ok after this is all over, that's what's important."

They hid behind the wall, waiting.

After a minute Yedam came from the other side and stood outside, waiting. After a while, Chan came out looking down but was startled when an arm was flung over his shoulder.

"Hey, you feeling better?" "Not really..." Yedam sighed then asked, "You wanna go for a walk? It's good to get fresh air."

Chan sighed - he clearly looked like he didn't want to go. But Yedam was determined to take him alone.

"LET'S GO!" He started walking, taking the groaning boy with him.

A/n: I started writing other stories and my life has been so messed up for the last couple of months, now I have to learn the entire curriculum of 10 subjects before mock (practice) exams next Friday :) I'm totally not sobbing rn ;-;

I also forgot about this story oop so here I am finishing it...is anyone even still reading this? XD

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