Suddenly, they heard a scream. The scream was clearly of a boy, coming from the woods. Leaf and Red looked at each other and started running towards the direction it came from.

The Petalburg Woods were confusing, every place looked the same. The grasses were very tall and sunlight was blocked by the huge trees.

"Nooooooo!" The scream was heard again. Red had no clue where the scream was coming from. 

"Over here." Said Leaf, walking past Red towards a huge tree. Red followed her only to find a clearing in the woods.

A woman wearing blue and white sailor outfit was trying to take a young boy's Pokeball, the boy was trying his best to protect his Pokémon. Next to the woman stood a familiar person, a Team Rocket Member - Cassidy. Red wasn't surprised to see Cassidy, he would be surprised if he did not see Cassidy for a while.

"Red!" Cassidy exclaimed, shocked. She was not expecting Red of all people during her Team Aqua test. She was certain that her cover would blow. "And the old girl, you're back!"

"Help me, please." Cried the boy, who wore a bug catcher hat. The Team Aqua member let go of the Pokeball and looked angrily at Red and Leaf. She did not liked to be interrupted. She looked at Cassidy, expecting an answer of how she knew the two trainers. Cassidy did not respond, she had no idea how she was going to get out of this situation.

"Cassidy." Red detached a Pokeball from his belt. "What are you doing here?"

"Valerie, get outta here. These are professional trainers from the league, I'll handle them, don't risk yourself getting compromised." Said Cassidy. "I'll meet you by the fountain."

The Aqua member had nothing to ask and walked away, Cassidy took a deep breath of satisfaction.

"Don't get in my way." Said Cassidy. "I'm trying to get into Team Aqua."

"Team Aqua?" Asked Leaf, annoyed. "How many other teams are there?"

"Other teams?" Asked Red, confused. "You mean except for Rocket? I can't believe this."

Cassidy had no other option than explaining what she was doing there. She knew it was to get rid of Giovanni, the only thing she wanted from life was to be free of Team Rocket. Red and Leaf convinced themselves to believe her, but they did not fully trust her.

"I have to do this. I have no other choice, Giovanni wouldn't forgive me if I ran away. He would find me and-" Cassidy felt regret, something she hadn't been able to feel in a long time. The feeling was similar to eating chocolate, atleast for Cassidy, she wanted to feel regret. She wanted to hate Giovanni in every aspect.

"And where is Butch?" Asked Red.

"We were supposed to meet each other at the hotel room after we were approved. Maybe he's at the hotel room." Said Cassidy, shrugging. "Do you want to come?"

"Sure." Leaf looked at Cassidy, expecting her to do something bad, maybe steal her Pokémon.

Red slowly walked up to Leaf and whispered into her ear. "I don't trust her."

Leaf pinched Red, mouthing the words – same pinch. Red and Leaf walked with Cassidy slowly deeper into the forest. Red took out his Pokedex to check the map, but it stopped working again.

"You told me you changed your Pokedex." Said Leaf, with a frown. She did not liked the fact that Red was too lazy to ask Professor Oak for a new Pokedex. "Liar liar pants on fire."

"I don't care, I don't care. I can buy another pair." Red replied with a rhyme.

Cassidy listened to the two, she loved how they talked to each other. It reminded her of her teenage years, when she used to dream about going on a journey with Butch. But she couldn't because her parents were against it.

"I told that Aqua Member that I'll meet her." Said Cassidy. "What do I do?"

"For now, meet her and talk to her. Get that job somehow. I want to know what Butch is doing right now." Said Leaf, trying to understand what was going on.

Cassidy agreed and walked away to meet the Aqua Member. Red and Leaf continued walking in the Petalburg Woods, both walked slowly, taking their own time, none of them wanted to rush the journey.

"What's your team right now, Red?" Asked Leaf, she wanted to know everything about Red. "Do I know all of your Pokémon?"

"Umm." Red looked at his Pokeballs. "Ivysaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, Ditto and Espeon. Same team that I used in Johto League."

"Charizard is your starter, Pikachu is obviously your dad's, Squirtle and Bulbasaur evolved. Ditto is new." Said Leaf, recalling Red's Pokémon. "And your Eevee evolved, finally. Remember when that seemed impossible."

"I just wish that-" Red made a sad face.

"I know." Said Leaf, placing her hand on Red's shoulder. "Who knew time travel would be so costly? But lucky you, you didn't erase the best part – our friendship."

Red smiled. "I'm glad you're here."

A sound was heard, coming from somewhere in the woods. A Pokémon appeared from the bushes. "A Wobbuffet?" Red pulled out his Pokedex to confirm.

"Wynaut, a Bright Pokémon. It tends to move in a pack with others. They cluster in a tight group to sleep in a cave." Explained the Pokedex.

"Well, this one seems alone." Red complained. He looked around to see if there was any other like this one.

"Your Pokedex speech worked this time." Leaf made fun of Red. "Um, why is he wearing a makeup? There's lipstick on his lips."

"Because he is a she." Red explained. "Pokedex says females have lipstick, I bet it isn't natural."

Wynaut looked around. "Are you lost?" Asked Leaf, with a caring tone. "We can help you."

"She looks scared."

Wynaut walked towards Red and pointed at his Pokeball, trying to tell something to them.

"Red she wants you to catch her." Said Leaf. "I think you should, I know you didn't catch any Johto Pokémon either."

"I think she's trying to tell us something else." Red doubted what Leaf was telling him. Wynaut pointed in a direction. "She wants us to follow her, maybe she wants us to help someone using our Pokémon."

"Makes sense." Said Leaf.

Wynaut started running in the direction she was pointing at. Red and Leaf followed her.

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