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Blaise's POV
it was now sunday and three days ever since y/n had gone missing. ron, hermione and harry all went to ron's burrow and draco had gone to the manor because he told me his "father had plans" whatever that means.

i was basically stuck alone for the week with a petrified frost in the hospital wing. every now and then i'd drift off into a daydream but then something would bring me back to reality. it got boring after a while.

i'd run through the halls trying to find anything, anything to help me find y/n but there was nothing. she literally vanished.

i missed hearing her sing in her dorm before we all slept, i missed seeing her icy eyes and the way they looked like pure winter, i missed accidentally sitting on her hair and her complaining about it when y/n, draco and i hung out on her bed. it was cute how she's try to get free without being "mean" about it as she would say.

i know it was only three days but it felt like three whole months. every single second without her was like torture, nobody knew if she was dead or alive or even any where near hogwarts.

Draco's POV
i felt bad having to leave blaise on his own at hogwarts for the week but if i disobeyed my father then i'd never see the light of day again.

when i had arrived at the manor he told me there was a girl coming to dinner with us and the dark lord. i couldn't stop thinking of who that girl could be - maybe it was y/n, but why would she be here?

after a couple hours, i brushed off those thoughts as i headed to the dining table. my father was waiting too and the house elves brought our food. voldemort was sat at the end of the table, talking about random deatheater bullshit i didn't want to be a part of.

"dobby, would you mind checking in on the girl?" my father said, eyeing the door across the hall. "surely she'd be ready by now."
dobby nodded and left to find her, but when he came back he looked as if he was worried on my father's response. "the girl has.. left, sir."
"WHAT?" voldemort shrieked, standing up and banging his hands on the table. i hunched over a little seeing why dobby was insanely nervous.
my father stood up to go to the room and came back with an angry expression.
"so she has," he said calmy. "no bother. we'll find her again, my lord."

whoever this girl was, y/n or not, i prayed for her wellbeing and safety.

i'm too young to die - book 1Where stories live. Discover now