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it was like a recurring cycle. i'd wake up with a headache tied to something with rope, they'd try to intimidate me and get me to speak on my father, i'd try to escape and then they torture me til i pass out.

i just wanted to get out. it had been 4 days.

"lucius.. malfoy?" i kept thinking to myself. was he draco's father? was draco in on this?

i was in a really dusty, dirty place that had bars as a door leading up to a staircase. i'd imagine it was a dungeon. my arms were chained up above my head yet my legs were allowed loose.

it would've been half-term holiday now. i would be hanging out with blaise and draco, we'd stay at hogwarts and go to hogsmeade everyday. it'd be great fun for a whole week.

i heard someone coming down the stairs. "fucks sake, lucius fucking malfoy once again." i thought. he unlocked the door and walked up to me.

"are you gonna join us for dinner this time, or are you gonna stay down here?" he asked. "the dark lord does want to see you, and my son has come home for the week."
"the dark lord is a fucking coward," i told him. "and so are you."
he rolled his eyes. lucius unlocked the chains then grabbed my wrist, pushing me up the stairs.

"get ready, you have one hour." he said as he shoved me into a room with an onsuite.

one of the windows were open.


it was bloody opened wide.

"how stupid do you need to be?" i rolled my eyes as i escaped out of the window. there was a crowded forest and next to it was a nice plain field filled with flowers. obviously, i chose to go into the woods so that i'd be as hidden from view as possible. i didn't realise how big the place i was trapped in was until i escaped, it towered over everything and it was actually pretty nice.

"now i just gotta go as far as possible" i huffed, running through the forest. sometimes i'd get trapped in between some stinging nettles but that was okay.

the trees were gorgeous, the bark was a nice umber colour and the leaves were a gorgeous emerald green. i would have stayed longer if it hadn't meant that i could possibly get caught escaping.

after a while i thought to myself. why did they want me? and what had my father done so bad that i had to get involved?

i'm too young to die - book 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin