Chapter 19

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a/n:: this chapter probably gonna be short SORRY

did i wake up an hour ago?


have i gotten out of bed yet?

sadly no.

i was really nervous about what the day was going to bring so i wanted to stay in the comfort of my bed as long as i could. granted, all good things sadly come to an end, and someone started knocking on the door.

'god dammit. i'm not even dressed. who is bugging me so early' i groaned finally standing up and rushing downstairs to the door.

who did i open the door to? Kuroo Bokuto and Kenma.

"what the hell guys i was sleeping" i let them into my living room

"yeah we kinda figured which is why we were banging on the door so loud" said Kuroo

"of course that's what happened you jerk" i said as i lightly punched him in the arm

"you guys know that Kei is gonna be here in like," i looked to the clock in my living room, "10-20 minutes"

"way off. i'm already here idiot" and he walked upstairs to my room.

"sorry string bean" i rolled my eyes, "anyways what are you guys doing here?" i pointed to the three boys in my living room.

Bokuto answered with a huge smile "we came to visit you because we were around and we haven't seen you in a while"

"yeah i guess that makes sense"

"anyways kiddo how you liking volleyball?" Kuroo said as he ruffled my hair

"i like it a lot actually. the adrenaline you feel going up for the perfect set and slamming it to the other side of the court....i love it"

"i'm glad you actually took the initiative to practice with us your first year or you would've never gotten good and joined" said Kuroo.

"yeah i guess i'm thankful for that. kenma how have you been. we should catch up and play roblox sometime"

"sounds good with me y/n" his voice was soft but i heard him."

"ALRIGHT WELLLLL N/N WELL HEAD OUT NOW," yelled Bokuto. i assume he was looking forward to going wherever they were on their way to.

the three boys hugged me and began walking to the door when Bokuto hollered up the stairs, "BYEEEE TSUKI-POO" resulting in my door to open and Kei now at the stairs said, "good bye Bokuto. you too Kenma and Kuroo"

and with that all three of the boys left leaving me and Kei alone. he walked down the stairs and plopped on the couch me following.

"hey lamp post"

"yes shorty"

"when will you ever stop calling me that. i'm literally not that much shorter then you" i said while climbing into his arms.

"because you still shorter than me. so your short"

"UGHHH whatever" and i sat with his arms holding me and almost drifted back to sleep till my LOVELY boyfriend brought me back

"y/n go get a shower. you stink"

"bitchhhh no i don't" i really didn't he was just messing with me

"okay we'll still go get a shower cause we have to go soon. remember the dinner with my mom and brother?"

"how could i forget. ive been nervous about it this entire time"

Tsukishima Kei x Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt