"I'm sorry, Mer. Amelia sent me to bring soup, homemade chicken noodle." He said sympathetically, setting the warm tupperware on her bedside table.

"She has time... to make soup.. but not.. visit me?" Meredith asked sadly. She had barely seen her sister these past weeks.

"Amelia blames herself. She thinks she failed you, and she doesn't want to watch you die because of her incompetence."

Meredith sighed. For a few days, she had been angry. Not at Derek, or Amelia, or anyone else. Just angry.

It broke Meredith's heart to think that she might die with Amelia thinking she was upset with her.

"Anything I can do for you?" Link asked, interrupting Meredith from her thoughts.

"Tell Amelia.. I forgive.. and miss.. her." The ortho surgeon nodded, giving Meredith a sad smile as he left the room. He stood in the doorway for a moment, and turned back around to face the door.

"When I had bone cancer and was basically given a death sentence, nothing anyone could say made me feel better. But, I wrote letters to my loved ones. It helped to know that I was leaving behind something permanent. It just.. helped." He began to leave again.

"Link?" He turned around.

"Thank you."

2 months later



"I'm gonna wash your body, okay?" Derek asked. She tried to give him a nod

He put up her shirt and everytime he was shocked to see her once so pretty body so pale and skin over bones. He started to wash her belly, her chest, armpit and her arms. She was enjoying the hot water on her skin. She was so cold these last weeks, she was always covered in layers of blankets. Derek was as gentle as possible afraid to hurt her.

"Ellis is back to her hiphop obsession"

"Y-eah" Meredith tried to speak as clear as possible

"And Zola keeps telling me she wants to be a brain surgeon one day.." Derek said before he took a short break "She wants to help people like her mom"

"I.. I feel.. b-ad.. for th-em.. Der-k" She said

Her speech was getting worse. She was still able to communicate but it took a lot of efford. She really did her best to talk as clearly as possible with her friends and family.

A few weeks back they decided to write letters for all of their loved ones like Link suggested. She had said goodbye right before her surgery and because she knew she might be unable to speak before she dies she wanted it to be written down.

She and Derek also had made letters for the kids to give them on their birthdays and holidays. They made sure they wouldn't forget their mom. Amelia, Link and Scout moved in with Derek. Things would be easier for Derek if his sister and brother in law could help him out. He would be a single parent and he doesn't even know if he could handle Meredith's death so he doesn't even know if he can handle 3 kids all by himself.

Meredith has done it when he got to DC.. She had 2 kids and she was pregnant. These last few months he blamed himself for losing time with his wife while being in D.C. and not divorcing Addison when he had to..

Derek kept washing his wife and she fell asleep. Her body is very weak. They decided to quit the chemo. Once he fully washed her, he went to the bathroom to take a shower himself. Once he finished he walked over to Meredith's bed. He sat down next to her and hold her hand before Miranda walked in

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