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"Did I heard Brayden last night?" Ricky asked on coming back from the shower Rachel couldn't give an account for that for they both went to bed the same time, she motioned with her shoulder that she didn't know,
"I just thought I heard him, anyway I'll see you later he lean in to kiss her "love you"
"Love you" Rachel replied
She walk with  him out to living room to find Dalton and kika as dalton was about to leave too,
"Hey" they greet each other, "pushing out early today?" Ricky asked Dalton who nod, they shook hand saying  goodbye for the next two weeks Dalton hug Rachel
"Brayden here?" Ricky asked
"He didn't stay, he came and pick up his things then left" Kika told him,
"Brayden came back so late, just to pick up his things?" Rachel asked widening her eyes that she sees unbelievable,
Kika nod
"Oh really there was a time grandma had to asked if he didn't want them he's even here more often than I'm used to" ,
Dalton smile on looking  at her face,
"I think brother in law is throwing his fishing net elsewhere" Ricky said
"Where would that be?" Kika asked
"He knows" Ricky said
Dalton laugh
"Got to go so later" Ricky said kissing them both Kika on her forehead and Rachel lips Dalton did the same kissing kika's lips and Rachel's forehead they left them and each returned to their room,
Catherine make her way out of bed in the middle  of the bed room floor she did some exercise she stand in the mirror looking  at herself for a while before she  took a shower got dress for work and went to the kitchen, she fix some pancakes to set on the table for anytime now every one will be up "I thought  you stay over at at kika's I didn't hear you come in" kady said coming to the kitchen she and her sister share a hug,
"I was late, so I was extra quiet"
They both smile Catherine hand her the  pancake and the syrup she set the table as they all came together for breakfast,
Catherine  being the first  to finish  got up from the table she went to brush her teeth  came back kiss them all say goodbye then left she pause to say hi to the Clarks then carry on down the road she was almost  at the bus station when she saw Brayden's red mustang it stop at her feet but she kept on walking with  out looking back she could  tells he watch her thought  she wasn't looking  back he sigh shook his head "oh Catherine" he brewed and scratch his head he drove off then  Catherine turn the bus then came and she got on she sat rest her head back close her eyes with a sigh as she rest to think of him, she was at work when her phone rang Darren called to ask why she haven't called but she had already told him he'll have to be the one who call for she can never  tells when he's busy, he was asking  already  about  friday Catherine wonder  why he have to know a head of time when she's coming he said  he didn't work on fridays but it seems even since she got here something always come up he wants her to come but once he got in her skin it didn't matter to him anymore she can't help but to think he's behaving strange,
"I'll see about it" Catherine said
"You didn't deal with me good the last time" Darren said
"As if you deal with me any better" she said
"What you saying!"
"Oh nothing I'm working now later" she kill the call hissing as she put the phone away
There was an assignment on Catherine's desk when she got off the phone and sat there she was going  over it when one of her team member came Joel who did the heavy equipment and so on "am I to bring the van around?" He asked Catherine nod with a smile he knew he would have to take her to the address for that was part of his job too,
It wasn't a long distance from the work place nothing more than thirty minutes drive so it took them a short while to get to the place they were shown to the kitchen the dinning and the living room  then given space to look around they got a value of what was going to be spent but didn't tell how it was expected to look Catherine wasn't expecting to choose a colour and a setting but she believed it could  be done they went back to the office  and she went through a few designs to find something  to match she call to fix some order  and to compare prices,  Tuesday she left a little earlier for she was just going  straight  to the place, with in the month of August this location was where she work some days on Friday it was her day off but she wanted September to bring something new she haven't gotten  the chance  to visit Darren which she was glad for it was an excuse not to see him she see Brayden which was what she wants but it wasn't in anyway for them to get time together it didn't bother her one bit she wants him but was punishing him, she smile remembering the other night  at the club he send Josh to get her she went to see him just because she was on her period and know he couldn't get anything from her she haven't quite told him that was happening "but Catherine  I need you" he said she could  actually see it how much he was hard and emotional it was almost as if he haven't gotten it any place else,
"Hello" Catherine said  on letting herself  in to the Clark's house early Sunday morning she walk into the kitchen for they all were there they all turn on hearing foot steps,
"Catherine" kika meet her and they share a hug,
"Hi good morning" Rachel said
She and Brayden met eyes she let her  eyes linger on him before she turn away,
"Hey you" Thomas said
Catherine smile and lift her hand to him,
Both Ricky and Dalton hugged her one on each side, she gave them each a smile
"How are you dear?" Violet asked
"I'm ok" Catherine said  with a smile,
"How is work?" Leah asked her
"It's  going  on fine"
"I'm glad" Leah said 
"Me too" Catherine said
"Look Catherine we are having  movie night tonight at eight if you and your family would like to join us" Rachel said
"I'm sure we would love to"
"Then I'll see you later" she said  turning  to leave,
"Wait these are for you" leah said handing her a dish of fish that Brayden had brought saying  she could have some,
"Thanks" she said  looking  at him from the corner of her eyes and caught him looking  at her,
When she left the ladies turn to look at him he turn from them to his  father who was busy in his morning papers which he always  read Brayden move towards  him, "what's in the paper today?" He asked  as he pulled  out a chair and sat facing him,
"More about the music industry and entertainment, and you my boy are right  at the top, it's  about  your upcoming album and tour in the middle of next month"
"Let me see that" he said
His dad share the paper  with him they sat talking while the ladies talk at the counter and laugh getting  their attention now and then,
"Before  I for get it's  movie night at the neighbours if you like to go" Catherine said  after  sitting  there for a while eating from the plate of fish she received from Leah that Brayden fix,
"I won't be able" kady said "it is a school  night  and the children has to be in bed by eight"
That's when the movie starts" Catherine told her,
"I'm sure once you put the children in bed Clinton and I can give an eye, what's so hard in that" Alison said
"So you won't go?" Kady asked
"We can't all go if the children has to be in bed by eight"
"Ok" kady said "thanks" she said  hugging  her mother, 
"Noo problemo" Alison said Catherine roll her eyes kady laugh,
"And I believe  I'm the only one Tennessee changes" she  grumbled as she got up to put the rest of fist  in the refrigerator, "if there wasn't anything special  about  Brayden I could  say he sure can cook"
"If there wasn't anything?" Nicolas asked
"It's  just a say"
"You say it as if there's something"
"Why you always try to interpret me" she said  shook her head then got up, she walk to the children "who wants to play outside?" She asked
"Yes!" They both said getting up to run after her,
She made a face as she and the children exit the back door
From the kitchen  Brayden  could  heard the Children playing excitingly and didn't need to asked  if it was Catherine who plays with them he move to the window  to look out he saw the children and catch a glimpse of her running  around  with  them by the small pool side,
"Watching  the kids at play?" Leah ask
Brayden turn to look at her, he smirk "I was actually"
Leah smile,
"How's  Jeana?" She went on to asked
"She's  fine" he answered still looking  out the window tipping on his toe to see her, leah move to the window she couldn't see the children  at the time but Catherine was in clear view, she turn to look at him,
"What?" He asked turning away  he grab a bottle of beer and head out to sit on the porch, he got lost in thoughts as he couldn't stop thinking of Catherine who completely take over his mind,
"Hey there" Rachel said  greeting  Catherine, kady and Nicolas who came knocking, "hi" they said
"Come on in" Rachel said announcing they were there,
They came from the kitchen into the living room, "your parents  couldn't make it?" Violet asked
"It's  a school night  and the children  had was to go to bed" kady said
"So they decided to stay" Leah said  "that I can understand when you become grandparents?"
"You got grandchildren mrs clark?" Catherine asked
"Please  be seated" Leah said she sat down before  telling  Catherine "two girls and two boys from both my other sons  that's living  abroad"
"Oh that's cool" Catherine said
"Kika probably have told you already about my son's" she said
"Yeah she did just don't remember her mentioning the grands maybe she has who knows I probably forgot"
The scent of Brayden  as he came fully  into the room makes Catherine  look up on him it wraps around  her as it unfolds he look as if he just taken a shower his light tanned face actually looks cool and his hair half damped he look so enticing as if she could  wrap around  him now he sat across  from her and they kept looking at each other,
The movie started they grew attentive but Catherine couldn't keep focused for she had to see him, most his time throughout the movie Brayden kept his eyes on Catherine both missing out on the good part of the movie,
"It ended?" Brayden asked
"I didn't see what happened" Catherine said
"Did you fell a sleep?" Kika asked
"It seems so" kady said
"That must have been the worst movie ever" Catherine said
"So boring" Brayden said
Both at the same time,
"Next time you both choose the movie" Rachel said point to them with a grin
"Thanks for the invite I got work in the morning"
"Oh Catherine you still  haven't told me what type of work you do" kika said
"I work with  the secret service" she said
"Well it got to be you don't say"
"Give me some time" Catherine said they smile
"I must leave" Brayden said
"Where you going?" Leah asked
"What kind of questions is that?" He asked
"I mean it's already late"
"Ma it's after midnight what is wrong with  the time?"
"I thought you would just stay"
Brayden though about it wondering if he could get Catherine to come over, but how he didn't even have her number,
"I have to do stuff" he said
"At this hour?"
"Yes ma is there a pen somewhere?" He asked taking a napkin off the table, he kiss his grandmother and his mother then hug his two sisters kiss 
"See you later baby" violet said
"Ok Grams love you"
"Grand mama's boy" Catherine mimic Brayden as he went a head of her he turn his eyes and she could see the smile printed on his face he went by her pinch her butt he was sitting right at the edge almost blocking the doorway when Catherine walk by he held on to her jeans with a finger she felt as if he put something inside her pocket she look at him and he wink,
He was there when she got on her front porch he didn't make attempt to leave just yet wishing she would come over,
Catherine said goodnight went to her room and feel in her pocket to see the note he work meet me around back, she hissed at it and toss it in her bathroom bin she sigh it wasn't as if she didn't want him and want to give him what he wants,  while holding back from him she's suffering herself too, it's only fear she let him have a little he's been asking for it, she changed in a little dress to go by him she wonder if they were off to bed as yet checking to see if her sister's door was closed before going out,
"You changed your mind?" Leah asked when Brayden comes back in the house,
"I might just stay the night" he said looking over her shoulder Leah look around but didn't see nothing he went down the hall to the room he use then comes back
"Is everything alright?" She asked
"Yes it's all good, good night ma" he said but he didn't move
"Oh good night" Leah said going to her room the door closes and Brayden kill the lights in the living room going back to the kitchen Catherine was already standing there when he open the door to let her in and they went down to the room
He close the door and turned the lights on he smile at her Catherine frown, he lean close to her "you alright?"
"No I'm not what you want?" Some of that sweet thing you hiding from me" he push his hand between her thighs
"I have work in the morning"
"I know working girl you're putting time in your job and none for your man"
"You're not my man" she hissed
Brayden chuckle kissing her, "you're just playing hard"
"Hard to get now that wouldn't make any sense now would it
"That's what I'm saying" he said backing his shirt off
Catherine look at strong muscles displaying right across chest arns and even his abdomen she took a deep breath watching him as his pants fall to the ground he took his boxers off and stood naked Catherine bite her lips he came in and kiss her she held his upper back rubbing him down,
He stepped back to put on some music Catherine look at him,
"This way we keep the moaning down, for there's going to be moaning, lots of moaning" he said lifting her dressed to such on her nipples it's been so long since she felt his lips on her breast and it felt so sweet it make her moan a loud he pull back to look at her smiling he pull her underwear down and puts on a condom he make love to her make sure every inch of her body was being caress and she was feeling in the right mood her inner thigh wet from feelings as she grew weak to have him, her back was to his chest when he slide into her pushing his way in and it makes her moan, "oh baby" he said
"Oh Brayden" Catherine said feeling him there, he didn't act to be careful with loving her he was sure to make her feel every inch of him every now and then she moans his name when he push at her she grip on to the spread and felt her finger nails rip through it Brayden look at her feeling please that wasn't him after three long rounds of hard sex he lay close to her rubbing her down, "I see why you act so uptight for you're all sweet and tight and I bet you know you have it alright so you think to punish me for it" Brayden said
"I don't have to give you if I don't want to" Catherine said
"Then I'll make it a point of duty to take it"
She chuckled
"You know I'm in love with you" Brayden said
"I don't care" Catherine said
Brayden laughed he kiss her shoulder and hug her, she turn so she face him he slapped her but kiss her and smile he wrapped her in his arms,
"I want you all to my self " Brayden said "but won't you be getting married soon?" He lift her hand to look at her finger,
"I don't know what I'm doing" Catherine said
"We have one little fight and you left to go to him and came back with it bet you give him some, I don't want you going back" he said
Catherine laugh, "I had just left so you could see me leaving but I didn't stay the entire time there besides he didn't get anything"
"I want you to stay away from him"
Catherine chuckle she didn't want to bother going there herself "we'll see about it" she said kissing him,
"Don't I wish I had more condoms" Brayden said
"I have work no way will I let you on me again Brayden chuckle"you're right you don't want to sleep on the job"
"No way" Catherine said hugging him a little tightly soon they falls a sleep
Brayden got up at five to wake Catherine he knew any moment now the whole house would be busy
Dalton went to the kitchen to get some water to drink he was going to get ready to leave soon so he was fixing some water to make coffee Brayden didn't know anyone was in the kitchen when he got there with Catherine they ran right into Dalton he saw them and his mouth flew open Catherine look at Brayden she lift her hand to Dalton as she walks out she was closing the door when she heard him giggle, Brayden didn't say anything he just left him and went back to the room,
Dalton couldn't stop smile about it he guess Ricky was right he was fishing seems now he has caught something on his net, he chuckled for he remember how they quarrel a lot
Catherine push the door to the kitchen she has left it open when she went out last night she walk in to see her sister she turned to look at her, Catherine pretend she just went out "morning"
"Morning you're stretching so early?" Kady asked
"Yeah you know I have work so I do it little earlier" Catherine said going off to her room to take a shower,
Brayden took a shower and and clean the bed tossing the rip sheet in the garage bag to dispose it he took a fresh one and put it on as he was going to leave when he got to the living room both his sisters were with their man
"Brother" Ricky called "you're early or you kill the night?"
Dalton look at Brayden
"I stayed over" Brayden said
Rachel look at him,
"Catch up later on" he said leaving before anything else was said Catherine was just coming out the bathroom when she heard his mustang driving away she wish she was still cuddling up beside him his body heat was nice to have but she look forward to the next time
As September fast approaching Brayden prepare for his up coming tour one that will have  him home almost the end of October he has plans that after this European tour he was coming home to do some redecorating he haven't yet decided on what exactly he wants but he wants a new setting he thinks he might just do the entire house but for now he would start in the living room,
Catherine came out the club for some fresh air for she almost felt suffocated in there she walk to the parking lot look around she didn't see Brayden tonight in the club or was his car in the parking lot she saw josh came down from a big blue van with a woman tucked to his side
"Hey pretty" he called  to her something he's been doing often on seeing him since that night he came calling her for Brayden she smile and wave at him "hi" she said  to the girl at his side "hi" she smiles at her,
"What you doing out here?"
"Needed some air" she said
Catch up later then" he turn she wonders what he said to his girlfriend for she turn and look at her, she wonder what Brayden told him, Maybe that he's getting  a little  sex from her  that must be what he just repeated to his girlfriend, she watch the two as they stop a little away from her to talk to another  guy  she saw playing the guitar on stage he too had a girl on his arm she watch them attentively that she never noticed someone came next to her until she felt the hand on her arm hand that belongs to Brayden her entire body shiver feeling  his touch she look up at him and his pretty green eyes stare at her a smile on his lips
"Hey j" he called
Josh turn to face them
"Toss me those keys man" he said Catherine look up at him Josh throw the keys and  Brayden caught them and nod she wonders if he didn't know the guy with josh for they didn't acknowledge each other, "hey j" he called once more josh turned
"You haven't seen me"
"I got you" josh said
Brayden smile started to lead Catherine to the van,
"Where you taking me?" She asked
"Don't resist now" he said getting  the door to the driver's side "get in" she did and he climbed in when she crawled over she watch him start the van turn to smile at her, "hey sweets"
Catherine smirk "For the last time Brayden where are you taking me?"
"Are we fighting for some reason you sound disgruntled did I miss something?"
They turn on the road she knew it was to the house they went before she had that feeling but she just wanted to ask "so we have to be fighting for me to want to know where you're taking me, maybe you forgot you don't own me"
Brayden laughed Catherine do too,
He wanted to say something but he didn't need words now what he needed was some skin on skin and he got a pack with two condoms if he get to use one it will be all good, he close the gap between them and she took  a deep breath he tilted her head and came down ruggedly he came to realize he didn't have to fight for she gave in freely they  barely made it to the bed before she climax gripping the pillow at her head she came once more before he did making  her tightening around him,
" Catherine  grit her teeth  as his movement quickened as he came pushed her with  his body in order for her to lay on her tummy he came down on her kissing  the side of her lips she look deep in his eyes he just stares then he whispered "Catherine you are beautiful" the way he said his words were trilling making her blush and wish he didn't have to leave the lights on when they make out,
"Why because you get to have it your way?" She shakingly asked he grin at her, "but you are" he said as he got up to go to the bathroom
She roll over wondering why he said  that she's beautiful and he barely wants to face her for love, he change into a new condom and came back they got back to the same position with her on her knee loving her with  the same force,
"I feel I could go another route what about you?" He grin as he had gone  to took a shower and then came to lay next to her,
"Don't be sorry for me?"
He grin push back her hair touch her cheeks
"Catherine I mean what I said you're beautiful"
"Thanks" she said he lean in to kiss her, "you could stay here tonight"
"Why so when you feel to go for a ride you just climb up on me, it's not going to be so easy" she told him as she got up to get dressed and make her way out the door  she was by the van when he dressed and came out he open the door to the passenger side this time around Catherine smile shook her head
"What?" He asked knowing why she did that they drove back to the club before the others leave
"Where have you been?" Kady asked
"I went out for fresh air" 
Ricky look at her he could smell her smelling almost like Brayden
"Hey you all" Jeana said coming to where they were,
"Hi jeana" they said
"I was looking for Brayden I smell him but I don't see him" she said looking at Catherine who was close to where she stand,
Ricky look at Catherine then back to Jeana on seeing how she looks at Catherine he wonder if Jeana was thinking about  she with Brayden she did smell like him and it seems no one else noticed
"There he is" Rachel said seeing him coming from the back of the club  he came towards them, "hey you" Jeana said
"Hey" he said
"I was looking for you I smell you but I couldn't see you"
"What you mean?" He asked
"That your scent was allover but you weren't"
"I was just about to leave but I am looking for josh"
"What for?"
"Hey man" josh said coming to slap hand with  Brayden "you cool?" He asked
Brayden nod "I'm about  to cut out" he told josh giving him the keys Jeana look wide eyes at both of them for she wonder what reason he had with josh key she look at Catherine who did not  meet her eyes as she wondered why she look at her,
"So you say you're good?" He asked Brayden nod
"See you at sea tomorrow" josh said "I might be a little late though I'm crashing down"
Brayden nod "no problem" they brace each other then josh left the group Jeana  look at Brayden "are you going to drop me home?" She asked
"Yeah sure" Brayden  answered looking at Catherine hoping not to make her angry
"See you" he said to the others hugging his sisters he look at Catherine again
"Bye bye" Jeana said they bid her goodbye as she tucked under Brayden's arm for them to leave,
Ricky watch Catherine as she watches them "we should be leaving we are to thank god tomorrow isn't a work day" Rachel said
"I have work" Catherine said
"Oh I for got, let's go"
They left the club for home Catherine did little talking as she wonder about Brayden she doubt he would be loving up in Jeana now after what they did thought she wasn't sure how he gets on for what if he wasn't satisfied by her,
"What reason did you have for Josh keys?" Jeana asks
"What I dropped something there for him"
"Don't lie Brayden you have nothing to take to josh you went with her didn't you?"
"Who is her?"
"I could smell you on her"
"I'm not going to indulge you for I don't know what you're talking about"
"Don't pretend that you don't have any idea what I'm saying"
"You think that Catherine and I are? You know what let's talk tomorrow I'm a bit tired"
"You got to be the way she smells  you must had been  all over her for you couldn't touch her and leave your scent so much" Brayden walk away with  out looking back he got in his van Jeana stamp away he sigh start his van  and head home
For a while  he lay thinking on what Jeana had said he didn't know how it was made so obvious to her that something is happening between them it was hard not to feel the the way he does for her it was love at first sight, it was as if she felt something too something that their heart or body can't contain some thing he had never felt so into and want this to be not just an actual crush but definitely a relationship something more like love.

AN ACTUAL CRUSH Where stories live. Discover now