Nats POV:
I can't believe Y/N is beating herself up about this, as much as I hate to admit she looks hot! I honestly never knew how insecure she was. Pointing out my scars to her was the only right thing to do. I wanted it to comfort her, and hopefully it did. "Well what are we waiting for then let's go" Y/N says whiles smiling. I smile back at her.

We finish up getting ready and head out of our hotel to catch the bus. It was still really early so none of us were hungry for breakfast just yet. As we get on the bus we decide to sit at the back to avoid being recognised. We take our seats and within 3 minutes of being on the bus, Y/N has fallen asleep and her head is resting on my shoulder. I'm not surprised, I did force her to wake up extremely early. I take a book out of my bag and start reading it, we're going to be on here for 1 full hour so I may as well get my reading in before Y/N wakes up and starts asking annoying questions.

"Y/N, Y/N wake up" I hear as I open my eyes and take my head of Natasha's shoulder. Was my head there the whole time? "We're here' She says. "Wait I slept through the whole thing?!" I ask. "It was only an hour Y/N. And it was kind of nice to get some peace and quiet for once" Nat says. We get up and get off the bus whiles thanking the driver. As I step off the bus after Nat I can feel the sun coming down on me hotter than before. "Look it's right over there" I say as I point to the ocean in the distance. "Well come on then what are waiting for" Nat says and grabs my arm as we make our way across the busy road and to the beach.

After searching for about 10 minutes, we finally find the perfect spot on the sand to place our towels down. Well, when I say 'we' I actually mean just Nat. She was very fond of finding a nice spot. She was so excited. "It's almost like you've never been to the beach before" I say jokingly. Nat puts her head down and starts running her fingers through the sand. "It's because I haven't" She says. What?! She's never been to the beach?! "My childhood wasn't as nice as yours Y/N. I grew up in the red room always training to be an assassin so I never had the time to go the beach. Or to go to a fair or any type of festival" She adds. I feel guilty for bringing it up. "Well then you're lucky you came with me, come on" I say whiles grabbing Nats hand and pulling her up from the sand. "What are you doing" she says and laughs.  I pull her into the ocean. "I've felt water before Y/N" Nat says whiles she lets go of my hand. "Yes but you've never felt the ocean, and thats a completely different feeling" I reply.

I look over at Nat to see her having the time of her life. I don't think I've ever seen her this happy before a part from just over a year ago when I fell into a lake surrounded by geese and swan.

Nats POV:
I'm having so much fun in the ocean. I know me and Y/N probably look like two big kids right now but I've never experienced this so I don't care. "Ok I'm cold now I'm getting out" Y/N says before running back to the towels and putting one over her. I do the same about 30 seconds after her.

"I'm not going to lie to you Y/N, I really dreaded coming here with you. I was excited to finally go to the beach but just a bit bummed that I had to go with you." I say. "Oh. And why's that Romanoff?" She asks. "Well because it's you. You were always a bit too much for me, too over the top. I used to hate everything about you and everything you did would annoy me. The way you talk too much or the annoying questions you ask. Oh and the way you take forever to get ready and also it's annoying when you laugh at something that's not  even the slightest bit funny. But I guess you're alright" I reply. Y/N stares away from me. Maybe I went too far? "Natalia you really don't know when to stop do you? I've tried to be nothing but nice to for this whole trip so far. But if that's how you feel about me then ok." She says. Shit. I did go too far. She didn't need to know that. Great. And She used my birth name so she must be mad. 
"Y/N I think you're overreacting here" I say. "Overreacting? Well you try and have someone who barely wants to know you point out everything you already don't like about yourself. It's not exactly something you want to hear" Y/N snaps. "I said used though, I don't really think that way anymore." I say, trying to save myself. "No you shouldn't have felt like that in the first place, I've never done anything to hurt you, yet you hate me because what? I over talk a little?" Y/N says now staring deep into my eyes. I don't know how to reply to that. So I simply just don't. "You're unbelievable Natasha" Y/N says before grabbing her belongings, getting up from the sand and walking away. "Y/N w-wait" I try to shout without bringing any unwanted attention in our direction, she ignores me. I don't blame her. There's no point going after because I don't want to say the wrong thing to her again.

I meant what I said about Y/N, I really did. But that's not how I feel about her anymore. Why can't she understand that? I know I've messed up. I never make mistakes and I can't believe I just made my first one towards Y/N. I thought I hated her, now I think she hates me.

Hi hey hello! Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.

I'm sorry for the delay of posting lately:(

Thank you all for the love and support:)))

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