Of the things we lose: part 1

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Idril gave a knowing nod.

"Well, before you do that, you should go into the bastion and find either Baranor, a Haradrim General of Mordor, or Dûsh the Unshamed, an uruk-hai with warpaint of handprints all over him. They should be waiting for you in the courtyard to escort you to your rooms. If they're not there, just ask any of the soldiers and they'll take you to them."

Gandalf gave another light bow as he prompted Shadowfax to move.

"Thank you. That is very kind."


Idril, seemingly not done with the conversation, blocked their way. Gandalf only blinked in confusion.

"Yes? Do you need something of me?"

"I need you to dismount. Noone is allowed to be mounted on the streets of the city except for the military."

The wizard let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in as he obliged.

"Of course."

Idril mimicked Gandalf's bow as she said her goodbyes and disappeared in the crowd of people.

The wizard couldn't move for a moment, being mesmerized by the city around him until Shadowfax nudged and led him through the crowds. Despite the neverending incline and Gandalf's protesting legs, it didn't take long for the two to make it to the bastion's gate. They finally saw the heavy metal entrance doors of the bastion when suddenly...


"I'm not so sure that Shadowfax here can still be called a pony. He has grown quite a lot over the years." A warm smile spread across the wizard's features as he addressed a somewhat hyperactive blond girl. The girl's eyes widened in amazement, she smiled right back as she took his hand and shook it enthusiastically.

"I'm Kaia! Who are you? I like you' stick! Is the wood actually white o' is it painted?"

Despite the protests of his elderly joints, the wizard kneeled down to the girl's eye-level as he gently squeezed her and back in a polite shake.

"It is a honour to meet you, young lady. I'm Gandalf the White and my walking stick is indeed made for white wood and not painted. May I ask, what are you doing here without a guardian?"

Kaia kind of squirmed under the wizard's kind but hard gaze, all her energy leaving her as she averted her eyes in mischievous way.

"I have a guardian you know! He lives in the big tower so I came to see him! I lost Mimi, my doll and I wanted to ask him to help me look."

"Did you try looking where you saw it last?"

"I did, but she wasn't there! I just want my doll back! And he's magic, he'd find her quick!"

Gandalf's brows furrowed in thought.

"Magic, you say?"

"KAIA! Ye lil' sly fox!"

Gandalf stood up as they were quickly approached by an out of breath dwarf and, what Gandalf assumed to be, the Haradrim captain Idril mentioned. Baranor, if he remembered correctly. The dwarf almost doubled over when he halted before the now softly giggling girl. Baranor barely suppressed his.

"Ye shouldn't be runnin' off like this! The whole city's been looking for ya!"

Kaia simply flattered her big butterfly lashes, giving the dwarf even bigger puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sovvy misser To'vin."

The dwarf, Torvin apparently, simply huffed and crossed his arms as he gave the girl an annoyed look.

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