Chapter 1

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The dark we fight all are whole lives to keep it at bay. to fight for a purpose, and that purpose is the light but in order to find the light. we must first embrace the darkness. to do that we step into the unknown and to go against everything We have ever known. and to step into the darkness I knew it would have consequences but I would do it for the two most important people in my life my brother my twin brother my brother who cared for me for all those years , my brother who came here so we would be safe he knew he wasn't immune to the flare but they still took him as a non immune subject.  i love him for that even if he won't remember what he did.  the love of my life who also won't remember as well as wicked wipes their memory's before sending the subjects to the maze, but I will remember for the both of us at night I would sneak into his room to spend time with him he was the light of my life and wicked took that from me my love was stuck in the maze trials along with my twin I knew I had to do something no matter what the price of my treason would be i  can not sit here watching them on a screen no more i need to help them they would risk their lives to help me . I pace up down the corridor forming a plan when it am dawned on me what I must do I formed my plan it seems faultless I took deep breath in and walk into the elevator and made it over to Ava Paiges office I knew she had a meeting so I had a ten minute slot to do this it was now or never. 

I walked into the airy room and searched around for the computer knew what I was looking for and I had to be quick. I entered the password ava was so predictable though it was strange this was almost to easy. I cast my doubts aside and searched for the code for maze.  Jackpot I found it I was overjoyed however I could hear an alarm in the distance, I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my system as I was running away I reached my room gasping for air I had to send the password up the maze with the next subject. That would be easy since I worked in the medical wing where all the subjects where wiped of there memory's so it would be easy for me to slip them a note that's unless there a idiot. 

I was called to Ava Paige shit surely they couldn't know what I did right? I disabled the cameras surely they couldn't of got them back up they quickly I walk to the office running every possible scenario though my mind. I walk into the office and am immediately grabbed by guards. Ava spoke in a stern voice 

"Elizabeth tell me you did not break into my office hack into my computer and find the code to the maze  " 

I looked around the room anger flowing through my veins "fine I won't say it then"

 "now Elizabeth do not play smart with Me I will give you two choices you can say your sorry and I will forgive you or you can join your brother in the maze" 

am either about to be really brave or am extremely stupid I breathed in a blurted out 

"I will never say sorry to a monster like you i will find a way to get them out the maze and you can't stop me "

"Ava waved her hand 

"take her away" 

I tried to fight the guards in a hopeless attempt as they tried to drag me out the room I knew it was futile but I was not going down without a fight  as the guards drag me down the corridor i lock eyes with thomas and gave him a knowing glance he knew he hato make sure i went into maze A instead of maze B i felt a sharp pain in my neck and everything went black 

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