15: This is a bad place, filled with bad people

Start from the beginning

Tara and I gaped at her, completely speechless.

''The whole thing is illegal, as you can imagine. People die here, and no one pays the price. They just dump the bodies somewhere and that's the end of the story. The fighters here are mostly criminals, with no other way to get cash. They have nothing to lose. They're all disgusting, vile, ruthless-''

''Except for one'' Caleb cut her off, giving her a stern look.

''I could argue that'' She rolled her eyes at him.

''Austin isn't like that, you know that'' He shook his head.

''Oh, really? Just because you two idiots work for Jared-''

''You're saying too much, Sash'' Caleb cut her off again, slightly raising the tone of his voice.

Tara and I sat there in confusion and horror, not knowing what exactly to say about all of this.''So, Austin is one of those fighters?'' Tara asked, gulping.

''He's the best'' Seb nodded.

''Of Jared's'' Sasha added with a roll of her eyes.

Austin is an underground fighter?

Do people actually die in these fights?

Has he killed someone before?

Oh my God...

''Yeah, well, if it wasn't for Jared I'd be dead by now!'' Caleb lost his temper, shouting at Sasha. She clenched her jaw and I could see her hand curl into a fist.

''Look, I'm sorry. But that guy really helped us three out when we needed it most. You know our stories. You know what kind of shit we got ourselves into. Just because you can't stand the guy, doesn't mean we have to hate him too. We have respect for him. We owe him'' Caleb sighed.

''That's the problem! You owe him. I don't like that. I don't like that he has that power over you. I don't like that he could frame you three idiots if he needed to. I don't like any of it. He's a criminal who does the shadiest things in our town. You could get yourself into something you wouldn't be able to get out of'' Sasha tried to control her temper but it was visible just how pissed she actually was. Her voice practically shook with rage.

''We're fine'' Seb butted in.''If we weren't, we'd leave. It's that easy''

''That's the thing, though. You won't leave. Because he won't let you'' She argued.

''Okay, enough'' Caleb groaned. ''Let's just go show them the fight and leave.  You stick with them, keep an eye on them at all times, and don't let them out of your sight. Seb and I have something to do first and then we'll come and find you three''

Sasha just nodded, glancing at us once.

Tara took my hand in hers as we got out of the jeep.''Please tell me I'm not the only one terrified'' She whispered in my ear.

''Trust me, I think I'm way more scared than you are'' I hissed back, my knees trembling a little.

We followed our friends to the epicenter of all the action. People were cheering, laughing, shouting, and so on. Music was blaring through the roof and I had to hold back from covering my ears. There was also a very pungent smell of sweat, tobacco, and alcohol. ''My God...it stinks here!'' Tara wrinkled her nose in distaste.

''We'll be back in a few minutes'' Caleb said quietly, before placing a small kiss on Sasha's forehead. She frowned down at her feet, not meeting his gaze. He sighed deeply before turning away and walking off. Seb gave Tara a quick hug and ran off to catch up with Caleb, who looked like he was about to punch a wall.

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