Part 8: Something's wrong

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We decided to go to the skate park so we could hang out and catch up on the park bench. His eyes still creeped me out, but I think I was getting used to it.

"So, what have you been up to lately?", I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Nothing really. I'm still drawing and stuff. My mom thought I should sign up for art camp this summer. But the woods still kinda freak me out.", he giggled.  I did too.

"I think you'd do pretty well there. There's lots of 'fun activities' and shit like that. Don't let the kids who eat glue scare you off, glue eating kids can be some of the best people you'll ever meet"

He laughed, "how do you know?"

I smiled and pointed at myself. "You're lookin at one!"

He bursted into laughter. If I'd told that joke to anyone else, they definitely wouldn't laugh at it.

We laughed and joked around for a bit until I thought 'Fuck I have to pee.'

"I'll be right back.", I said, before getting up and walking away.

There's a unisex restroom building thing next to the soccer field, which was straight across from the skatepark. I made my way over as quick as I could. When suddenly,

"Choir boy!"

"GAH, JESUS!! Richie?! Why are you at the skatepark?!"

"Uh, duh! Cuz I'm a skater."

Oh yeah. He did skateboard to and from school everyday. "Well, there's a difference between a skater and someone who skates."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"A skater is actually good at it, and they can do cool tricks and shit. Like uh.. Max. Yeah, she's a skater. You can only push yourself around on it."

"Who's Max?", he asked, chuckling a bit.

"A person who can do tricks."

"I can do tricks. I just don't."

"So if I were ask you to do a trick right now with that very board, you could?"

He looked down at his board. "Yes."

I rolled my eyes. "Ok, sure."

"Are you hanging out with that kid from I.S.S.?" He looked over at Will, now sitting alone at the skatepark bench, watching the soccer team practice.

"Yeah? What's it to you?"

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"What? No. He's just a friend."

"A friend with benefits?" He cocked an eyebrow and gave me a mischievous grin. I knew exactly what he was doing.

"Shut up, it's not like that."


"God, you're so annoying! Get out of my way." I pushed him, but not hard enough to hurt him, and he laughed as he walked back to the park with his skateboard. And just to piss me off, he did a damn kick flip.


"I'm back.", I announced, sitting back down next to Will.

"Welcome back!"

"Hey, you know how we were talking about art camp?"


"What do you think you'd pick for your electives?"

"Oh, you mean like, classes? Well.. I guess it'd just have to be general art. Not any special kind of painting or visual art like sculpting or clothing design. I just like sketching. Oh! That reminds me. Do you wanna see some of my stuff?"

"Yeah, sure."

He reached down and grabbed his backpack that he took with him for some reason, and pulled out a sketchbook.

"Here. Some of it is.. experimental." He handed it to me.

Flipping through the pages, I could definitely tell what he was talking about. Some of the pages were just colored completely black, while others were violent images of people dying in different and very painful ways. Only, the people were only black figures with no faces.

"... is this guy being impelled..?"

"Yeah, it's pretty weird. I'm sorry. My mind has been a little hyperactive lately, so I had to take it out on your pen."

I looked at him, a little confused.

"Ah--That is... a-a pen fell out of your backpack yesterday, so I took it home for safekeeping and...I, um...I just... really like... the way... that it draws.
So I drew this.. with it. And now you're touching it... Ahaha."

What 😀

I slowly shut his sketchbook and hand it to him, and he puts it back in his backpack.

"I'm sorry.. that was weird.."



Awkward silence....

I try to break it, but I'm not even sure what to say. "Um.. I- I like them. The drawings, I mean."


"Have you been feeling better since yesterday? Are you doing ok?" I genuinely worried about him.

"No.", he answered without looking at me. "I-! I mean, yes! Yeah, I just needed to get some rest."

"... are you sure..?"

He suddenly took my hands in his. "Please don't hate me. Please! I'm not like this! There's something wrong with me today.."

I looked down at my hands, then back up at him. "No, yeah, I believe you. I think there's definitely something wrong with you. Not just today."

I realized that I said all of that out loud.

I could see the hurt in his face. "I'm s-so sorry. I should just go.." he let go of my hands and stood up, picking up his backpack.

"Will.." I wanted to apologize. I wanted to tell him that it's ok. But I couldn't. Words just completely left my body; I couldn't speak.

I watched him walk away.

It had to be because of the time he was missing. Where he'd gone to, and the terrible things he must've seen. The feelings he must've felt. He's gone. There is something wrong with him, and I feared that he'd never ever be the same Will I knew since we were kids.

"Will, wait!" I finally stood up and grabbed his arm.

He turned around, flinching at my touch.

"Let's hang out tomorrow. All day, just us. We can skip school if we need to."

His creepy ass eyes widened and he stared at me with a woeful yet somewhat confused expression. "You really wanna hang out with me?"

"Will, I could never hate you. No matter how fucked up you may be. I've known you since we were in the third grade, and I care about more than anyone. That'll never just go away."

"B-Be careful saying things like that... you'll make me...." Stopping mid sentence, he gently removed his arm from my grasp and covered his blushing face. 

(I might not update for a bit. Lack of motivation ✨✨<3)

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