"We should all get going," Daniel says

"At least we get to go to London again. We haven't been there in a long time" Esme says, looking at Carlisle

"Alright let's get this show on the road," Jacob says

Everyone walks out of the house. Then, we stopped, seeing Sam in front of us. I walked over to Sam and hugged him.

"Hi!" I greeted

"Hey, Vieve. Congratulations on your engagement. Charlie told Billy, Billy told us" Sam tells me

"Thanks. There's something else, however. I'm expecting" I told him

"Wow! That's incredible! Does Charlie know?" Sam asks

"No. I'm going to wait until we see him again. Probably Christmas." I told him

"Well, I'm happy for you" Sam smiles at me, then looks to Carlisle, "Alice told me to give you this. She and Jasper crossed our land to the ocean last night"

Sam hands him the note. Sam sends me a smile before running off. I look at the note from over Carlisle's shoulder.

"Carlisle?" Esme asks

"She left us," Carlisle tells everyone

"Why?" Rosalie asks

"She didn't say," I said

"Can I see that?" Bella asks

Carlisle hands her the note. Bella reads it and hands it to me. I placed it in a pocket of my bag.


Esme, Carlisle, and I headed to the Egyptian Coven. I was close beside Carlisle, who had a firm grip on my hand. We talked to them and they refused. Carlisle tried reasoning with them.

"Amun, please," Carlisle says

"I can't help you, Carlisle," Amun says

"I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent," Carlisle tells him

"You must go," Amun tells us

The water near us starts rising. I stepped back into Carlisle. The water went over the walkway, so we couldn't leave. I thought it was pretty cool. We looked at the other side of the room to see a man and a girl.

"I'd like to hear about it. Never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden" Benjamin says

"Can't imagine why" Carlisle says

I giggled at the face he made. Carlisle turned to me and hugged me from behind. Benjamin moves his hands down, letting the waterfall. Carlisle pulled me back, so I didn't get wet. Carlisle, Esme, and I went around the river in between the room and walked over to Benjamin and Tia. Carlisle shook Benjamin's hand.




We were in the backyard as Mee was showing all the witnesses her gift. Her hand was on Benjamin's cheek. He smiled at what she had shown him. Benjamin takes Mee's hand in his, and then he lifts the hand that was on top of hers. He then moves his hand in a swirl, as a little tornado appears in Mee's hand.

The sound of running brings us away from the interaction between Mee and Benjamin. Carlisle walks over to me and holds me close, as two women stood before us. They looked like they were from the Amazon.

"Who are they?" Bella asks

"Senna and Zafrina, from the Amazon" Edward tells her

Oh my gosh! I was right. Bella leads Mee towards them. Mee shows them her gift and what she is. The Denali sisters and coven walked over to me and Carlisle. The Denali sister's hugged me then Carmen hugs me and kisses my cheek

"I heard the news from Bella. Congratulations on the pregnancy!" Tanya tells us

"Thank you," I said

"Twins, right? You must be so excited" Carmen says

"I am. Hopefully, we won't have to deal with all this when the babies are born" I said

"Let's hope not. We want to meet our niece and nephew, without there being a war" Kate says smiling

"Aunt Vee!" Mee says excitedly

Mee runs over to me and I picked her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist, as her arms wrapped around my neck.

"When will my cousins be born?" Mee asks

"Soon. Are you excited to meet them?" I asked

"Yeah! I'll be the best cousin ever!" Mee says smiling

I let Mee down as she wanted to go to Jacob. I smiled at her, before turning back to the Denali's and Carlisle.

"You will make a great mother" Eleazar says

"She's already an excellent one when she's with everyone," Carlisle tells him

I smiled at him. He smiled back and kissed me. We all then walk inside to discuss the matters at hand. No one is going to get my niece if it is the last thing I do.

 No one is going to get my niece if it is the last thing I do

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Bella's Older Sister/ Twilight fanficWhere stories live. Discover now