TBL x TXT p.1

74 6 0

MARCH 2019

Min Yoonji was currently sitting on her bed contemplating her existence after waking up from a good nights sleep. She was having a great dream about being at a waterpark and her alarm decided to ruin it all. She was about to throw herself back under the blankets when there was a knock at her bedroom door.

"Yoonji wake up. We have to get going in about thirty minutes to get ready for later."

Yoonji quickly hopped out of bed, she was excited to see her friends after a long time of not seeing them in person. She quickly put on some light blue pants, a big fluffy black sweater, and some black thigh high boots. She didn't put on any makeup since that would get done at the BigHit building. She walked out to the kitchen so that she could have breakfast before leaving.

Jimin and Jinnie were both sitting at the table both eating different things. Jimin was eating cereal while Jinnie was eating some oatmeal with fruits added into it. Yoonji quickly muttered a 'good morning' before rushing to get her favorite cereal.

"Okay, we get to hang out with TXT today and I think the directors might make it into a mission or separate us into teams. Manager called me 10 minutes ago and said that it might happen so we need to get ready and the mission might be done at the BigHit Building." Jinnie explained while finishing her food. She was dressed in a black shirt, blue pants, and black converse.

Jimin nodded her head with her cheeks puffed out from all the cereal she had in them. Jimin was dressed in a long sleeve white shirt, black pants and black ankle boots.

Yoonji was super ready to get going and meet her friends already.

Their manager called them and told them that it was time to go get their makeup and hair done since the video would later be released to the fans. The girls grabbed their bags, phones and walked out of their dorm down to the car.

"Do you think that we'll see BTS at the building. We're never there when they are there." Yoonji asked the others while standing behind them in the elevator.

"I hope we do, we've never formally met them and it would be really cool to get leadership tips from Namjoon." Jinnie explained while a soft hue of red appeared on her cheeks and she could feel her ears getting warm.

Jimin pushed her shoulder to Jinnie's, "Leadership tips huh? Is that all you want from him" Jimin teased while Yoonji laughed at how red Jinnie's face became at hearing that.

All the girls knew that Jinnie was holding some feelings for the other leader because of the way that they found her one time. Yoonji and Jimin went out one time leaving Jinnie alone, when they came back she was crying into a pillow in the living room. They rushed to her wondering if she was hurt anywhere but they soon realized that she was a bit tipsy and crying over how good Namjoon looked in the Fake Love MV. She later came clean to them that she was holding a tiny crush on the other leader which gave the other two enough teasing material to hold against Jinnie.

They walked off the elevator and entered the car that was waiting for them in front of the dorm's lobby. Once they arrived to the building, they were taken to their designated room where their makeup/hair artists were waiting. The girls sat in their chairs and closed their eyes so that they could get everything done on them. Jinnie finished with black straightened shoulder-length hair and clear shiny lip gloss. Yoonji finished with her blue mid-back length hair wavy and red lips that contrasted beautifully with her pale skin. Jimin finished with her blonde mid-back length hair straightened and nude colored lips. All of them also had mascara and foundation on them.

"What are we suppose to talk with them about? I can barely keep a conversation with you guys going" Jinnie complained flopping her body in an over dramatic way onto the couch.  Honestly the other two knew that she was lying since she once had an hour conversation about crabs, Jimin thought Jinnie was preparing topics to talk about with Namjoon if she ever met him.

Jimin sat down with the other members before putting her arm around Jinnie. All three of them being together for three years 24/7 before debuting gave them a extra sense of knowing when they needed comfort from the other. Jinnie was the oldest so she didn't always put herself first, she cared more for the members making sure that they were always fine. "You are going to be fine. Maybe they will be shocked by your beauty." Jimin said lowering her head onto Jinnie's shoulder.

Yoonji cracked an eye open looking towards the pair of girls cuddling on the couch and glanced to the clock on the wall. "Everyone will be speechless when they see Worldwide Beauty in the same room as them and even if you embarrass yourself, I'll always be there to save you" She said walking to the couch and lowering her head to rest on the other shoulder of Jinnie.

Jinnie felt relief at hearing both of the comments that each girl said because she knew that they would have her back in any situation. She felt so much love towards both of them that she didn't think or even want to imagine her life without either of them. "You'll be my white knight and Jimin will be my...servant" She finished with a laugh while looking at Jimin's shocked face.

"You know what I take my comment back, you're not gonna be fine. Yoonji isn't even white knight material...why am I not the white knight?" Jimin whined while starting to pout at Jinnie as she started to fake cry.

"I am totally white knight material and for that comment I would never save you." Yoonji said which earned her a shocked gasp from Jimin. "And honestly don't worry Jinnie, you've met them before so it won't be completely bad.

"Yeah, but I don't know them like you do. I'm closer friends with other people in a different group. You're closer with TXT."

"Okay, we are going to have a great day and let's not think about what could go wrong. Now lets get out there are have fun." Jimin announced standing up and pulling the rest of the girls up with her.

The girls quickly made sure they looked okay before heading out towards the lobby of the building where they would suppose to meet the others in three minutes.

"W-wait, I forgot my phone in the room. You guys can go ahead so that we aren't completely late and I'll catch up." Yoonji said while turning back to run towards the room. She heard a sigh and a laugh come from the two she was leaving behind along with a 'Hurry' probably from Jinnie.

She quickly walked into the room, grabbed her phone and left so that she didn't leave the others waiting a long time for her. She was rushing out the door that she accidently crashed into someone who was walking by the room.

"O-oh I'm so sorry, I was rushing and I wasn't looking. Again I'm so sorry." She had bowed once she turned to the person and once she lifted her head she saw who she bumped into. Out of all the people in the world she bumped into Jeon Jungkook from BTS.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook looked at her with a soft smile on his face and Yoonji thought she had died at that moment. She quickly nodded her head and felt her phone buzz.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you but I need to go." She quickly bowed before leaving. She wanted to stay and talk with him but she didn't want to get into trouble.

Jungkook looked at her figure retreating and glanced at the door she had come out of. In all honestly, he had actually stopped in her way so that he could talk to her. He knew very little about her and her group but he needed to meet her. He had seen her once in the building, she was playing with her sweater paws while waiting for her snacks to fall from the vending machine and he was immediately smitten with her. Maybe he needed to mention to his managers that they hadn't meet her group yet.

He just wanted to see her again...

Yoonji made it to the lobby where everyone was waiting. Once her manager saw her, she quickly motioned for Yoonji to sit and gave them a rundown of what would happen during the day.

"We are going to an amusement park and during the rides there will be challenges so we are splitting you guys up into groups. The groups will be decided at the amusement park. There will also be people because we couldn't close it down but the fans will be at some distance from you guys, okay?"

All of the idols nodded their heads before they were taken to the cars. The car could hold all the idols but the managers would go into a different car. The cameras were already being set up at the park so that everything was ready for when they arrived.  Yoonji sat in the middle row with her members and TXT sat in the back. Jinnie only had one thought in her mind.

Here we go...

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