"Where am I." I ask, mostly to myself.

"You're in my home. The woods of the moon." A sing song voice says.

I turn around to see a women in a dress. It's white with lace sleeves that touch the ground. She's beautiful with long brown curly hair that tumbles to her waist. She has bare feet and her hair has a small silver tiara in it. Her face doesn't have a trace of make up and she has a defined face but in a good way.

"You're the moon goddess." I say.

"In one of my forms. I change as I please. This is my favourite." She says, smiling kindly at me.

"You're very beautiful." I tell her honestly.

"Thank you. You are too. White is your colour." She says.

"Oh thank you." I say, blushing. "Why am I here?"

"You are a very rare wolf. And I am rather interested in seeing how you will cope with the information you just learned." She says.

"I don't get it. Why me? And why Ryder?" I ask her.

"Please come and sit with me." She says, gesturing to the seat that is hanging from the large oak tree to the side of the field.

We go and sit down and the swing and swing lightly.

"You have been through tough times. I saw this would happen when you were born. I could tell even then when I blessed you as a child that you could learn and grow because you are strong. And why Ryder? You two fit together. I think that you two would make the perfect mates and the perfect Alpha and Alpha Female." She says.

"I don't want another mate. After James I don't really think I can go through that again." I tell her.

"The journey to happiness is one full of obstacles and things that will hurt you. But it is worth it. You my child. You will see that." She says.

"I think one rejection is enough. I don't need more heart break or hurt. It's bad enough that I'm going to lose my parents. I can't lose anything else." I tell her, trying not to think too much about my parents.

"You're right. There's always going to be something that might hurt you. But without the possibility of pain there can be no pleasure. But the decision is yours. You can put your heart on the line or you can keep it in that box." She says.

I sigh.

"I know it's a difficult decision. And you don't have to make it now. You have time. I have faith that you will make the right choice." She says, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

The image starts fading.

"Our time is up. I'm always with you my child. Remember that. No matter what decision you make." She says, pressing her lips to my forehead then the dream fades and I jolt awake.

My head slipped off my palm so my head is resting on my folded arms with the book still open in front of me.

I sit up and rub my eyes and close the book. I start carrying the books back up the stairs and one by one put them away. Soon after I've finished putting them away and I head into the kitchen. I pull some leftover pasta out of the fridge and heat it up. I quickly eat my dinner and put the dishes in the dishwasher and decide to take my wolf out for a run.

I head out to the woods and quickly slip off my clothes and hide them in a hollow tree then change into my wolf. I sprint off and after a few hours I watch the sun set. I decide it's time to head back. I change from my wolf form when I reach the tree where I put my clothes and slip them on.

I head inside and find Elliot, Connor and Claudia.

"Finally." Connor mumbles.

"What's up peps?" I ask them.

"How was your study date?" Claudia asks.

"What are you talking about? What study date?" I ask them, taking a seat on the couch beside Elliot and putting my feet on his lap.

"You and Ryder. What else?" Claudia asks.

"We didn't have a study date. We did some research. I don't even know the guy." I say, leaning back against the arm of the couch.

"Sure. You guys totally like each other." Claudia says, rolling her eyes.

"I'm actually really tired. I'm gonna go to bed. Night guys." I tell them. I kiss Elliot on the forehead, high five Connor and ruffle Claudia's hair. I then sprint up the stairs to my room.

When I get there I pull on my PJs and brush my teeth and hair.

I slip into bed and lie back against the pillows. My mind's still racing with what I read and so I pull out a book and read it to try and get my mind off it.

It doesn't work and I'm lying there just staring at the ceiling.

I don't think I can go through what I went through with James again. I have to try my best to stay away from him.

With that thought I fall asleep.


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