Moving on.

I want to talk about this topic before you continue to read. I don't really know how to say this but I'll just go with this.
For a good portion of my readers they may not live where I live.
I want to say that you have to REMEMBER that. You really do.
I may not live where you live therefore the laws are going to be different than yours. So please don't come at me and say that this law is wrong or that's not how this works because it's probably different than yours, also don't forget that things may be called something totally different than what i have written down. 

For example: (i got all of these examples from google. This is not pointed at anyone, I'm just using these names as an example)

Shopping carts vs. Buggy vs. Trolly
Pop vs. Soda vs. Coke
Roundabout vs. Traffic circle vs. Rotary
Crawfish vs. Greyfish vs. Crawdad
Water fountains vs. Bubbler
Bag vs. Sack
favourite vs favorite
Colour vs color

And so on. It's completely fine if you don't know what it is and ask me about it, I'm chill with that. 

I ESPECIALLY want to say that the medical care might be different than yours; therefore please dont come at me and say that I'm wrong. I'm not wrong, I'm using what my country does and my country's laws. I have studied what my schools have given me about other countries' laws, but again I'm not that smart in general. It goes in one ear and goes out the other. I'm not that smart, but I do know my things. I may not be book smart, but I'm street smart…. Ig. But again I'm using my country's laws and what I have dealt with and dealing with. I want to make sure that everyone understands what I'm saying and what's on my mind. I needed to get this out so there is no more confusion and misunderstandings or even hate.

I do want to talk about the concept of my soulmates and that is this. Please remember this when you read my soulmate books, please remember this.

The concept of my soulmates is that they are quick to fall in love. None will hurt each other. Their love is basically fully on their soulmates now and no one else.

Soulmates work differently, and that means that their relationship moves faster than most too. If the relationship moves faster then it also means that they may kiss on the first day they meet, they may even fuck each other because of the concept of my soulmates. Another concept of my soulmates is that they won't ever cheat on you or hurt you intentionally. (Only if they reject) soulmates would feel hurt, guilty and many other hurt emotions if they hurt you. They and you are devoted to each other, no other person can break you apart. (Only if they have other soulmates too. And that wouldn’t break them apart)

The point in this is... that the relationship may move fast, but is a relationship that would never crumble and break away.

Accepting the bonds and finishings the whole bond😏.

So please don't get mad if the relationship moves fast and you don't like it just leave the book then.

Moving on to another thing.

Yes, most of my books my character and her soulmates have an age gap, but I would never make my character 15 years old or maybe even 16. 17 and 18 are the youngest I'll go for. (To add on is I have an age gap kink so of course I'm going to write about it (and not in a bad way). I'm for sure not promoting anything, this is just fan fiction that lets me be myself for a bit)
In my books the age thing is different when it comes to soulmates.

OF course if say my character met Tony Stark at age 14 or 15 their relationship would either be none existent or platonic until they are ready, like their relationship would be based on being best friends until they become lovers, mostly none existing until they see each other again.
But you don't need to be worried about me when it comes to age and my character. I make sure they are almost 18 or 18 years old.

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